Tuesday, December 15, 2015

15 Dec 2015-Tuesday (Upper Body Power/WC)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup

Optional Conditioning Speed Ladder x20
PAP: Plate Full Cans, Plate Empty Cans, Plate low Int/Ext Rotations, Scap Push Ups 3x12ea
Power Bench   40 1   52 warm up  55 1     61 1     683      70-731
                                    8        8                     6          5         4         3-4
Seated Band Dynamic Rows 5x8

DB or KB or Barbell Push Press 4x5
Weighted Pull Up 4x5
T1&T2 are power exercises.  This means the weights will be moderate and we need to focus on bar speed!  If you can, use a tendo unit.  The faster you move a weight the more power you will produce.  while doing this it is very important to maintain great technique.

T3  3-4 Rounds
Hang Clean High Pull or Upright Rows x5
Band Rotation with press x8ea side
Band Face Pulls 3x8
DB or KB Shrugs 3x10
Clapping Push ups x5

AUX 2-3 Rounds
DB 3 way Raises x10ea
Triceps x:30sec
Biceps x:30sec

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