2nd Workout Archive

Updates will now be on the posts. Please check there.
8 July 2015- Wednesday
Dynamic Warmup + Hip Mobility Drills Pick a run option and/or choose a circuit of your choice

Run Option
8x200 m sprint under :40 sec, rest 1:30
5x300yd sprint under :60 sec, Rest 2:00

Long Run Option
4 mile Run

Row Option
Row 1:40, Rest :20 sec
Repeat x 15 (Total time=30 min)
Ruck Option
2x1.5 mile Repeats, Rest 5 min between; 40-50lb Ruck

Body Weight Option
30 min Continuous Running Clock, Perform AMRAP
10 BW Squats
5 Lunge Ea Leg
10 Split Jump
5 Squat Jumps
5 Pull Ups
10 Pushups
15 KB Swings (16kg)
:60 sec lateral Shuffle
Stop Clock at minutes 8/18/28 and do: 3 Rounds of 2 Burpees + 1- 30 yd Sprint

KB Circuit- Hellbound
1. SKB Dead Clean x:30sec R/L
2. SKB Rack Squat x:30sec R/L
3. Forward Lunge x:30sec R/L
4. SKB L. Cycle High Pull x:30sec R/L
5. SKB L. Cycle Snatch x:30sec R/L
6. Figure 8 to Hold x:60 sec
7. Wave Squat x:60 sec
8. Pry Squat x:60 sec
9. SKB Single Arm Swing x:30 sec R/L
10. SKB Press x:30sec R/L

Performed as a Vertical Superset- Complete the first exercise for the time listed and then move to the next one. Rest should be :30-:60 sec between sets

7 July 2015- Tuesday
Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup

4x200 yd sprint/4x.25 mile bike sprint/ 4x200m Row sprint

Bench Press- Warm up as needed
761        85 1        94-97 1    76 1
 5        3               1       Rest Pause: 3x Max Effort with :30 sec rest between efforts
Band Press Out 4x5 ea side or Red Band Rows 4x25

Plyo Push Up 3x8
KB Arm Bar Stretch x 15 sec ea side
Hand Walkover Pushup 3x6 over and back

Pulling Circuit x 2 Rounds (Heavy)
Underhand Grip Bar Row x 12
Chin up/Pull up x 5-8
Heavy Single Arm Row x 12
Chest Supported Row x 15
Curls x 12
After completion of the 2 rounds, :60 sec Bar Hang

Upper Body Stretch/Foam Roll
6 July 2015- Monday 
Foam Roll/TP/CorrectiveDynamic Warmup + 30yd Prowler Pushes x 12

Warm up: Hang Clean + Front Squat Combo 2x3 reps

Full Clean from Hang or Floor 4x2 Reps 76-91%
Hurdle Jumps or Resisted Jumps 3x5

Deadlift 76 1 85 1 94-97 1 76 1
5 3 1 Up to 20 reps
Plate OH Raise + Shrug 3x12

Lower Body Circuit x 3 (Weight vest optional)
Low Lunge Hold x :20 sec ea leg

BW Squat
Weighted Walking Lunge or Step Ups x 20 total (holding KB/DB)
Glute/Ham Raise x 10
Banded Good Mornings x 12

Optional Core Circuit

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

2 July 2015- Thursday
Foam Roll/TP/Correctives 
Dynamic Warmup + Agility Ladder or Dot Drill

Med Ball Lateral Toss x6 ea side
Long Jump or Single Leg bound x 5                        x 5 Rounds 

Front/Back Squat 701 79 1   91 1   70 1
                              3     3       3       Up to 20 reps
Upper Back or Lat Stretch x 15 sec 

Heavy Barbell Row 5x5

KB Goblet Squat or DBL KB Rack Squat 3x5
KB Single Arm Clean and Press 3x1-3 ladder; one set= 1 rep ea arm, then 2 reps ea arm, then 3 reps ea arm
Single KB Farmers Walk- Heavy x60 yds

Optional Core Circuit

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll  

1 July 2015- Wednesday
Dynamic Warmup + Hip Mobility Drills Pick a run option and/or choose a circuit of your choice

Run Option
6x200 m sprint under :40 sec, rest 1:30
4x300yd sprint under :60 sec, Rest 2:30

Long Run Option
2x2 mile Repeats, Rest 5 min between

Row Option
500m Row, Rest 2 min
1000m Row, Rest 2 min
1500m Row, Rest 2 min
1000m Row, Rest 2 min
500 m Row Rest 2 min

Ruck Option
3miles under 42 min; 40-50lb Ruck

Body Weight Option
30 min Continuous Running Clock, Perform AMRAP
10 BW Squats
5 Lunge Ea Leg
10 Split Jump
5 Squat Jumps
5 Pull Ups
10 Pushups
15 KB Swings (16kg)
:60 sec lateral Shuffle
Stop Clock at minutes 8/18/28 and do: 3 Rounds of 2 Burpees + 1- 30 yd Sprint

KB Circuit- Hellbound
1. SKB Dead Clean x:30sec R/L
2. SKB Rack Squat x:30sec R/L
3. Forward Lunge x:30sec R/L
4. SKB L. Cycle High Pull x:30sec R/L
5. SKB L. Cycle Snatch x:30sec R/L
6. Figure 8 to Hold x:60 sec
7. Wave Squat x:60 sec
8. Pry Squat x:60 sec
9. SKB Single Arm Swing x:30 sec R/L
10. SKB Press x:30sec R/L

Performed as a Vertical Superset- Complete the first exercise for the time listed and then move to the next one. Rest should be :30-:60 sec between sets
30 June 2015- Tuesday
Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup

4x200 yd sprint/4x.25 mile bike sprint/ 4x200m Row sprint

Bench Press- Warm up as needed
701        79 1        91 1    70 1
 3        3           3       Rest Pause: 3x Max Effort with :30 sec rest between efforts
Band Press Out 4x5 ea side or Red Band Rows 4x25

Plyo Push Up 3x8
KB Arm Bar Stretch x 15 sec ea side
Hand Walkover Pushup 3x6 over and back

Pulling Circuit x 2 Rounds (Heavy)
Underhand Grip Bar Row x 12
Chin up/Pull up x 5-8
Heavy Single Arm Row x 12
Chest Supported Row x 15
Curls x 12
After completion of the 2 rounds, :60 sec Bar Hang

Upper Body Stretch/Foam Roll
29 June 2015- Monday
Foam Roll/TP/CorrectiveDynamic Warmup + 30yd Prowler Pushes x 10

Warm up: Hang Clean + Front Squat Combo 2x3 reps

Full Clean from Hang or Floor 3x2 Reps 76-85%
Hurdle Jumps or Resisted Jumps 3x5

Deadlift    70 1 79 1  91 1  70 1
                           3      3      3        Up to 20 reps
Plate OH Raise + Shrug 3x12

Lower Body Circuit x 3 (Weight vest optional)
Low Lunge Hold x :20 sec ea leg

BW Squat
Weighted Walking Lunge or Step Ups x 20 total (holding KB/DB)
Glute/Ham Raise x 10
Banded Good Mornings x 12

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll
26 June 2015- Friday
Foam Roll/TP/Correctives 
Option 1:Warm Up: 3 Rounds
10 Goblet Squats
10 Box Jumps at 24"
10 Push ups
10 Sit Ups
:20 sec Spiderman Lunge Hold Ea Leg
:20 sec Bar Hang

Weighted Vest- Repeat 4-6x with little to no rest in between sets
Lunge Hold- :30 sec ea side
Pushups x 6
Squats x10
Pullups x 4
Run 200m
Side Plank x :30 sec ea side  
Option 2:Sandbag Circuit:10-1 Ladder Back Squat
Clean and Press
Box Jump (no bag)
1/2 get up
Sandbag Keg toss

Option 3:
:15 sec on/ :15 sec off for 10 Rounds of ea exercise; 1 min rest after all 10 rounds of the first exercise is done; Repeat after completely done all Rounds

Pull Up

Goblet Squat
Push Up
KB Swing
Option 4:
Pick Your Own- BW/KB/DB Challenge Option

25 June 2015- Thursday
Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup

3x300yd shuttle under :65/ Rest 2 min
OH Squat 3x10 or Block Cleans (speed) 5x3 reps
Consecutive Long Jump 3x5
Plank(variation) 3x:45 sec
Front/Back Squat
641     76 1   85 1       64 1
5         5     5          Up to 20 reps
Pigeon Stretch 3x:15 sec ea side

Pull Ups 3x Max Effort- :30 sec between sets

Barbell Tricep Extension 3x Max effort- :30 sec between sets

3 Way Shoulder Raises- Front/Side/Bent x20 ea- use 10-20lbs per hand

Optional Core Circuit

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

24 June 2015- Wednesday
 Dynamic Warmup + Hip Mobility Drills
Pick a run option and/or choose a circuit of your choice

Run Option
2 x 800 under 3:20 Rest 4min
8 x 400 m under :90 sec, rest 3 min

Long Run Option
3x1.25 mi Repeat, Rest 3 min between

Row Option
5x4 min Repeat, Rest 2 min between ea
Average Pace should be around 1:55 or lower

Ruck Option
3x.75 mi Repeats, Rest up to 4 min between

Body Weight Option
5 Rounds
500m Row or 400m Run
30 Stepups or Lunges
20 Pushups
10 Pull ups
10 Hanging Knee Raise

KB Circuit- Hellbound
1. SKB Dead Clean     x:30sec R/L
2. SKB Rack Squat     x:30sec R/L
3. Forward Lunge       x:30sec R/L
4. SKB L. Cycle High Pull     x:30sec R/L
5. SKB L. Cycle Snatch     x:30sec R/L
6. Figure 8 to Hold     x:60 sec
7. Wave Squat     x:60 sec
8. Pry Squat     x:60 sec
9. SKB Single Arm Swing     x:30 sec R/L
10. SKB Press     x:30sec R/L

Performed as a Vertical Superset- Complete the first exercise for the time listed and then move to the next one. Rest should be :30-:60 sec between sets
23 June 2015- Tuesday
Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup

16x100 yd Sprint Under :18 sec/ Rest :45 sec
After every 4 runs, rest 1:30

Bench Press- Warm up as needed, Reps on the Minute
641 76 1   85 1    64 1
5     5       5      Rest Pause: 3x Max Effort with :30 sec rest between efforts

Single Arm Row x 6
Tricep (choice) x 12                                                           x3 Rounds
Pull Up Iso Hold x 1 max time ea set

50 Light Row (Band, Cable, Etc)
25 Dips
Core- Reverse Crunch x 30                                                 x2 Rounds of ea                              
Hanging Knee Raise x 20
Super Pike x 10 (R Leg, L Leg, Both Legs)
Ab Wheel x 5

Upper Body Stretch/Foam Roll
22 June 2015- Monday
Foam Roll/TP/Corrective
Dynamic Warmup + 5 min Continuous Jump Rop

Warm up: Hang Clean + Front Squat Combo 2x3 reps
Full Clean from Hang or Floor
3x2 Reps 76-85%
Broad Jumps 4x4 reps

Deadlift 64 76 1  85 64 1
                       5        5      5      Up to 20 Reps
40lb Weighted Pullup 2x Max effort

5 Rounds with 24kg KB or Heavier
15 Swings
5 Goblet Squats
1 Turkish Get Up ea side

Optional Neck Circuit x 2- use resistance band
Double Chins x 15
Side Bend x 15
Extensions x 20

Conditioning: Your Choice
6 x :60/ :60

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll
19 June 2015- Friday
Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Option 1:
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
10 Goblet Squats
10 Box Jumps at 24"
10 Push ups
10 Sit Ups
:20 sec Spiderman Lunge Hold Ea Leg
:20 sec Bar Hang

Weighted Vest- Repeat 4-6x with little to no rest in between sets

Lunge Hold- :30 sec ea side
Pushups x 6
Squats x10
Pullups x 4
Run 200m
Side Plank x :30 sec ea side

Option 2:
Long Circuit: 5x:20/:20 with 1:30 rest between ea round; Rest 4 min then repeat using 3x:20/:10 with 1min rest between ea round
1. Ropes- Low Wave
Alt Wave
Jumping Jack
Circles In/Out
2. Low Hurdle Lateral Hops
3. BW Squat
4. KB Clean and Squat
5. Plate Series- Curl
Bus Driver
2 Plate Row
Plate Pinch
then rest 4 min and perform 3x :20/:10 with 1:00 break between sets

Option 3:
Sandbag Circuit:
10-1 Ladder

Back Squat
Clean and Press
Box Jump (no bag)
1/2 get up
Sandbag Keg toss

Option 4:
Pick Your Own- BW/KB/DB Challenge Option

18 June 2015- Thursday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup

3x300yd shuttle under :65/ Rest 2 min

OH Squat 3x10 or Block Cleans (speed) 5x3 reps
Consecutive Long Jump 3x5
Plank(variation) 3x:45 sec

Front/Back Squat
70 8   On the Minute
Pigeon Stretch 3x:15 sec ea sidePull Ups 3x Max Effort- :30 sec between sets
Barbell Tricep Extension 3x Max effort- :30 sec between sets

3 Way Shoulder Raises- Front/Side/Bent x20 ea- use 10-20lbs per hand

Optional Core Circuit

Lower Body Stretch/Foam
17 June 2015- Wednesday

Dynamic Warmup + Hip Mobility Drills

Pick a run option and/or choose a circuit of your choice

Run Option
4 x 800 under 3:15 Rest 4min
4 x 400 m under :85 sec, rest 3 min

Long Run Option
Easy 4 mile Run

Row Option
6000m Row- every 500m, Row as fast as you can for 100m

Ruck Option
5x.5mi Repeats, Rest up to 4 min between

Body Weight Option
5 Rounds
500m Row or 400m Run
30 Stepups or Lunges
20 Pushups
10 Pull ups
10 Hanging Knee Raise

KB Circuit- KB Complex
a. 21 Double KB Dead Clean - Squat - Press
b. 4 Rounds:
60yd Farmer's Carry (to chest)
15 Pushup
10 KB Bent Row
10 Double KB Swing
c. 5 Rounds
10 Press
5 Pullup
12 Double KB Sumo DL
12 KB Curl-Press-Extend
16 June 2015- Tuesda
Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup

14x100 yd Sprint Under :18 sec/ Rest :45 sec
After every 4 runs, rest 1:30

Bench Press- Warm up as needed, Reps on the Minute
611  70 1   79 61 1
 5     5      5      Rest Pause: 3x Max Effort with :30 sec rest between efforts

Single Arm Row x 6
Tricep (choice) x 12                                              x3
Pull Up Iso Hold x 1 max time ea set

50 Light Row (Band, Cable, Etc)
25 Dips
Core- Reverse Crunch x 30 x2 Rounds of ea
Hanging Knee Raise x 20
Super Pike x 10 (R Leg, L Leg, Both Legs)
Ab Wheel x 5
Upper Body Stretch/Foam Roll
15 June 2015- Monday

Foam Roll/TP/Corrective
Dynamic Warmup + 5 min Continuous Jump Rope

Warm up: Hang Clean + Front Squat Combo 2x3 reps
Full Clean from Hang or Floor
67-76 6
Broad Jumps 4x4 reps

Deadlift    61 8                REPS ON THE MINUTE
40lb Weighted Pullup 2x Max effort
5 Rounds with 24kg KB or Heavier
15 Swings
5 Goblet Squats
1 Turkish Get Up ea side

Optional Neck Circuit x 2- use resistance band
Double Chins x 15
Side Bend x 15
Extensions x 20

Conditioning: Your Choice
6 x :60/ :60

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

11 June 2015- Thursday
Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup
3x300yd shuttle under :65/ Rest 2 min

OH Squat 3x10 or Block Cleans (speed) 5x3 reps
Consecutive Long Jump 3x5
Plank(variation) 3x:45 sec

Front/Back Squat
73-85  OR "MAN MAKERS" 2x20 at 50% Max

Pigeon Stretch 3x:15 sec ea side
Pull Ups 3x Max Effort- :30 sec between sets
Barbell Tricep Extension 3x Max effort- :30 sec between sets

3 Way Shoulder Raises- Front/Side/Bent x20 ea- use 10-20lbs per hand

Optional Core Circuit

Lower Body Stretch/Foam
10 June 2015- Wednesday
Dynamic Warmup + Hip Mobility Drills
Pick a run option and/or choose a circuit of your choice

Run Option
2 x 800 under 3:15 Rest 4min
6 x 400 m under :85 sec, rest 3 min

Long Run Option
3x1 mile repeats, 3 min break between each

Row Option
6 min- 1 min Ladder, 2 min break between ea interval. Increase intensity as time decreases

Ruck Option
3 miles under 45 min

Body Weight Option
:40/:20 for 20 min
Lunge Split Jump
Sprinter Abs
Flutter Kicks

KB Circuit- Do each exercise for 5 sets then move to next exercise; (:30-:60 sec rest between ea exercise)
Double KB Rack Squat x 5
Double KB Dead Clean x 3
Double KB L Cycle Clean and Press x 3
Double KB Double KB Single Leg RDL x 5
Double KB See Saw Press x 5
Double KB Sumo Deadlift x 5
Double KB Dead Clean + Squat+ Press x 3
9 June 2015- Tuesday
Foam Roll/TP/Correctives

Dynamic Warmup

14x100 yd Sprint Under :18 sec/ Rest :45 sec
After every 4 runs, rest 1:30

Bench Press- Warm up as needed, Reps on the Minute
70-76 8  

Single Arm Row- Heavy 1 x Max Reps Ea Arm

Barbell Tricep Extension 3x Max Effort (:30 rest between efforts)

50 Light Row (Band, Cable, Etc)

25 Dips
Core- Reverse Crunch x 30 x2 Rounds of ea
Hanging Knee Raise x 20
Super Pike x 10 (R Leg, L Leg, Both Legs)
Ab Wheel x 5

Upper Body Stretch/Foam Roll
8 June 2015- Monday
Foam Roll/TP/Corrective
Dynamic Warmup + 5 min Continuous Jump Rope

Warm up: Hang Clean + Front Squat Combo 2x3 reps
Full Clean from Hang or Floor
401   50  60 70 2

 3      3      3     3
Broad Jumps 4x4 reps

Deadlift    76 5
40lb Weighted Pullup 2x Max effort
5 Rounds with 24kg KB or Heavier
15 Swings
5 Goblet Squats

1 Turkish Get Up ea side

Optional Neck Circuit x 2- use resistance band
Double Chins x 15
Side Bend x 15
Extensions x 20
Conditioning: Your Choice
6 x :60/ :60

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll
5 June 2015- Friday
Agile 8 or Limber 11 Warm Up

Pick a conditioning option if you didn't perform on Wednesday

Option 1:
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
10 Goblet Squats
10 Box Jumps at 24"
10 Push ups
10 Sit Ups
:20 sec Spiderman Lunge Hold Ea Leg
:20 sec Bar Hang

Weighted Vest- Repeat 4-6x with little to no rest in between sets

Lunge Hold- :30 sec ea side
Pushups x 6
Squats x10
Pullups x 4
Run 200m
Side Plank x :30 sec ea side

Option 2:
Long Circuit: 5x:20/:20 with 1:30 rest between ea round; Rest 4 min then repeat using 3x:20/:10 with 1min rest between ea round
1. Ropes- Low Wave
Alt Wave
Jumping Jack
Circles In/Out
2. Low Hurdle Lateral Hops
3. BW Squat
4. KB Clean and Squat
5. Plate Series- Curl
Bus Driver
2 Plate Row
Plate Pinch
then rest 4 min and perform 3x :20/:10 with 1:00 break between sets

Option 3:
Sandbag Circuit:
5 Rounds
5 Clean/Squat/Press
30 yd Carry to chest
30 yd Run no bag
3 Rounds15yd Plank Pull

15yd Farmer Carry R Arm
15yd Plank Pull
15yd Farmer Carry L Arm
3 Rounds
8x Shouldering
30 yd Carry
5x Keg Toss
30 yd Run no bag

Option 4:
Pick Your Own- BW/KB/DB Challenge Option

4 June 2015- Thursday
Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup

3x300yd shuttle under :65/ Rest 2 min

OH Squat 3x10 or Block Cleans (speed) 5x3 reps
Consecutive Long Jump 3x5
Plank(variation) 3x:45 sec

Front/Back Squat
761 851 91 1
3     3    3
Pigeon Stretch 3x:15 sec ea side
Pull Ups 3x Max Effort- :30 sec between sets
Barbell Tricep Extension 3x Max effort- :30 sec between sets

3 Way Shoulder Raises- Front/Side/Bent x20 ea- use 10-20lbs per hand

Optional Core Circuit

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll
3 June 2015- Wednesday
Dynamic Warmup + Hip Mobility Drills
Pick a run option and/or choose a circuit of your choice

Run Option
2 x 800 under 3:15 Rest 4min
5 x 400 m under :85 sec, rest 3 min

Long Run Option
4 mi Run, Record time

Row Option
3 x 2000m Row; Rest 3 min between each; Target 25 spm

Ruck Option
3x 1 mile Repeats
Rest 3 min between

Body Weight Option
:40/:20 for 20 min
Lunge Split Jump
Sprinter Abs
Sprinter Abs

KB Circuit- Do each exercise for 5 sets then move to next exercise; (:30-:60 sec rest between ea exercise)
Double KB Rack Squat x 5
Double KB Dead Clean x 3
Double KB L Cycle Clean and Press x 3
Double KB Double KB Single Leg RDL x 5
Double KB See Saw Press x 5
Double KB Sumo Deadlift x 5
Double KB Dead Clean + Squat+ Press x 3
2 June 2015- Tuesday
Foam Roll/TP/Correctives

Dynamic Warmup

12x100 yd Sprint Under :18 sec/ Rest :45 sec
After every 4 runs, rest 1:30

Bench Press- Very heavy day, Warm up as needed
82 1   88  82 2        70 1
3       2       3     AMAP

Single Arm Row- Heavy 1 x Max Reps Ea Arm

Barbell Tricep Extension 3x Max Effort (:30 rest between efforts)

50 Light Row (Band, Cable, Etc)

25 Dips
Core-  Reverse Crunch x 30                                  x2 Rounds of ea
Hanging Knee Raise x 20
Super Pike x 10 (R Leg, L Leg, Both Legs)
Ab Wheel x 5

Upper Body Stretch/Foam Roll
1 June 2015- Monday
Foam Roll/TP/Corrective
Dynamic Warmup + 5 min Continuous Jump Rope

Warm up: Hang Clean + Front Squat Combo 2x3 reps

Full Clean from Hang or Floor
67 1 73  79 1 85 2

 4      3      2     1
Broad Jumps 4x4 reps

Deadlift 67-76 10
40lb Weighted Pullup 2x Max effort
5 Rounds with 24kg KB or Heavier
15 Swings
5 Goblet Squats
1 Turkish Get Up ea side

Optional Neck Circuit x 2- use resistance band
Double Chins x 15
Side Bend x 15
Extensions x 20

Conditioning: Your Choice
6 x :60/ :60

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll


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