Tuesday, March 22, 2016

22 Mar 2016-Tuesday (Anaerobic Conditioning)

Foam Roll& Correctives
Dynamic Warm Up

Sprint Option  3-5 Rounds of......
3x200m under :45 rest 1.5-2min, 3x100m under :20 rest :60sec
Rope Option Slams, Wave. Alt Wave, Weave, Circles Out, Circles In, Criss Cross, Serpent ......do one set of each 1st round :30sec on/ :30sec rest on each x1,  2nd round :20sec on/ :20sec rest on each x1, 3rd round :20sec on/ :40sec rest on each x1
Interval Sprint  22-26 max effort sprints of :15-:30sec Rest :60-:90sec between each rep

Row Option
1x500m row  moderate even pace, work to rest ratio 1:1  EX:  If it takes 5 min to complete the 500m rest 5 min
3-5 Rounds of.....
3x250m row rest 2.5:1, 6x100m row rest 3:1

KB Option 3-5 Rounds Continuous Each exercise is :30sec work :15sec rest
1. DKB L. Cycle Clean        2. DKB Squats      3. 1/4+1/2 + Full Push Ups    4. KB Swings 
5. DKB Suitcase Deadlifts  6. DKB Rows   7. Lateral Shuffle    8.DKB Squat to Press   
9. DKB Farmers Walks   10. Sit Ups  11. 5/10/15 yd shuttle  12.Rest

Sandbag Circuit.....3-5 Rounds
1)5xGet ups Right  2)5xGet ups Left   3)30 Yard Sprint  4)5xClean+Squat   5)5xPush Press   6)30 Yard Sprint  7)Keg Toss x 30yards 8)Backward Plank Pulls x10 Yards Right 9)Backward Plank Pulls x10 Yards Left  10)30 Yard Sprint 

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