Friday, April 8, 2016

8 April 2016-Friday (Lower Body SE)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup
8x60 yd Shuttle (5, 10, 15 ) Goal Time < ::20sec rest :40

PAP(Pre Activity Prep) Lateral Lunges 3x8ea, SL Glute Bridge 3x8ea, 1/2+Full BW squats 3x5ea

T1a Complex: Initial Clean Pull/Clean Pull/Power Clean
64 1      70 1       761     761      79-821 max rest between sets 2:00 min
3ea       3ea      3ea    3ea     3ea  

T1b Squat or Deadlift
Warm up: 581          671        731                                                                                   79-827  
                 4-8      4-8        5      start working sets every :75sec   3
Band Punch and Hold 4x:30sec each side (start sets with warm up sets, only do one side at a time with any working sets

DB or KB Step Ups 3x5ea
Band Goodmornings 3x8
1/2 Kneeling Chops 3x8ea     max rest between rounds :60-:90 sec

Lateral Bounds 3x8 ea
Prone back Ext 3x10
STAB Leg Curls 3x8  max rest between rounds :60-:90 sec

1 Arm KB Farmers Walk 3x:30sec each arm
Triceps Pushdowns 3x:30sec
DB Curls 3x:30sec

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