Friday, December 23, 2016

23 Dec 2016-Friday (12 Days of Fitness)

Odd Object, Sandbag Circuit.....2-5 Rounds
12x Sandbag Cleans

11x Sandbag Squats
10yards each x Prone Sandbag Plank Pulls
9x Sandbag Get Ups Left
8x Sandbag Get Ups Right
7x Sandbag Shouldering Each side (14 total)
6x 15yard Sandbag Shuttle (90yds total)
5x Sandbag Clean+Squat+Press
4x Sandbag Get Ups Right
3x Sandbag Get Ups Left
2x 30yards Sandbag Bearhug Carry (60 yards total)
1x Sandbag Keg Toss 30 Yards

KB Option........2-5 Rounds
SKB=Single Kettle Bell
DKB=Double Kettle Bell

12x SKB Swings each side
11x DKB Rack Squats
10x DKB Push Press
9x SKB L.Cycle Cleans each side
8x SKB 1/2 Turkish Get Ups each side
7x DKB Walking Lunges (7 Steps each side)
6x SKB Rows each side
5x SKB Dead Cleans each side
4x SKB Snatches each side
3x DKB Clean+Squat+Press
2x 1 min Figure 8's (1 min total on each side)
1x DKB Farmers Walk x 60-90Yards

To everyone who follows the blog, comes in to PERRES, or reads this message.  The Staff here at PERRES would like to wish you and your families, friends, and loved ones a very happy holidays.  We appreciate all your hard work, not just is the gym but in your dedication and service to our country as well.   We will be wishing everyone safe travels, joy, love, and happiness while you are away.  Again thank you for everything you do, lets keep up the great work to ensure that 2017 is even better than 2016!!! 

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