Tuesday, March 21, 2017

21 Mar 2017-Tuesday (Upper Body Power)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup 
Optional Conditioning Speed Ladder x20
PAP: Plate Full Cans, Plate Empty Cans, Plate low Int/Ext Rotations, Scap Push Ups 3x12ea
Power Bench   40 1   52 1         warm up  581    642      672   All speeds above .65 on the tendo unit
                          8       6                          5        5        5
Seated Band Dynamic Rows 5x8

Front Facing Band Wall slides 4x12
DB or KB or Barbell Push Press 4x5   All speeds above .90 on the tendo unit
Dynamic (fast up slow down) Pull Up 4x8
Door Pec and Shoulder Stretch 4x:20sec each
T1&T2 are power exercises.  This means the weights will be moderate and we need to focus on bar speed!  If you can, use a tendo unit.  The faster you move a weight the more power you will produce.  while doing this it is very important to maintain great technique.

T3  3 Rounds
Band Rotation with press x8ea side
Band Face Pulls 3x8
DB or KB Shrugs 3x10
Clapping Push ups x5

AUX 2-3 Rounds
DB 3 way Raises x10ea
Triceps x:30sec

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