Tuesday, October 6, 2015

6 Oct 2015- Tuesday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup + Rope Warm Up

10x60 yd Shuttle (5, 10, 15 ) Goal Time <::20sec rest :40

PAP(Pre Activity Prep)Plate IR/ER at side and at 90/90, Wall Slides, Elbow Pushups 3x12 ea
Warm up Bench: 50 1     64 1   
                              8        8     
Bench Press- 70 1        *** 73 4               ***  Denotes Start sets every 90 sec          
                        6                 5-6  
DB or KB Single Arm Row 4x6 each arm

SKB Goblet Squat 3x10
Standing DB or KB Shoulder Press 3x8
Supine Rows 3x10 (Bar, TX or Rope)

TRX I's and T's 3x8 ea
1/2 Kneeling Chops 3x8 ea
Push up Series(Complete 1 per set)
    1. Feet Elevated x 25
    2. 1 Arm Elevated on Med ball x10ea
    3. MB Walk Overs x10 

1 Arm KB Farmers Walk 3x:30sec each arm
Triceps Pushdowns 3x:30sec
DB Curls 3x:30sec

ASRAP on each set

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