Tuesday, November 3, 2015

3 Nov 2015- Tuesday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup + Rope Warm Up

12x60 yd Shuttle (5, 10, 15 ) Goal Time <::20sec rest :40

PAP(Pre Activity Prep)Plate IR/ER at side and at 90/90, Wall Slides, Elbow Pushups 3x12 ea
Warm up Bench: 47 1     58 1   
                            10        8     
Bench Press- 70 1      73 1   76 1    79 1                      
                          6           5         5       4                 
DKB or DB Rows  4x6ea

Barbell Shoulder Press 4x5
Weighted Pull Ups 4x5

KB Concentric Get Ups 3x8ea
Band Rotation and Press 3x8ea
Band Face Pulls 3x8
DB 3 way raises (front, side, bent over) 3x12ea

Push Ups 3x:30sec each arm
Triceps Pushdowns 3x:30sec
DB Curls 3x:30secs

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