Monday, November 9, 2015

9 Nov 2015--Monday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives    

Dynamic Warmup

Optional Conditioning: 8x30 yd Prowler Pushes on the Minute

PAP: Mini Band Walks x 15 yds ea (Fwd/Bwd in squat, Fwd/Bwd Straight leg, Lateral in squat, Lateral straight legs)

Clean + Front Squat 4x4  OR Snatch Balance 5x4 OR Snatch high pulls+ Front Squat 4x4
Multiple Response Broad Jumps 4x3

Deadlift or Front Squat  58      67      73     76     79      82     
                                          6       5         5       4       4        4        
Supported Single Leg Lowering 4x8 ea side

Barbell Fwd Lunge 4x5 ea
Glute Ham Raises 4x5

MB Squat to Rotational Throw 3x5ea
Barbell Glute Bridge 3x8
Alligator Walk 3x15 yards

Prone Plank Pulls 3x8ea
Supine Hamstring walks 3x8ea

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