Friday, March 9, 2018

6 Mar 2018-3RD MRB Workout Tuesday

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep

2 Rounds
Shin Box Windshield Wipers x 8ea
Shin Box Hip Ext x8ea

Straight Leg Hurdle Skips x20
Bent Knee Hurdle Skips x20
Hurdle Over Unders x 8 passes

Track Work
1600's x2-3 Goal Time < 6:00 Rest Time 5:00
Finish last mile and record time
Workout can be reasonably simulated indoors using Treadmill, Bike, Versa Climber, Rower, ect

Indoor Option

Work Time 6:00 Rest Time 5:00 x4 Reps2 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Tuesday

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