Sunday, July 22, 2018

23 Jul 2018-Monday (Lower Body Strength)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup
Condo: 8x60 yard shuttles on the min
PAP: Band walks: fwd, back, lateral R, lateral L, Straight leg fwd, SL Back, SL lateral R & L x 15 yds each
Power Cleans   67 1
   73 1     76 1       79-82 1      

                           4      4         4      4        

Pigeon or brettzle stretch 4x :20-:30sec each side

Front/Back Squat Warm Up  48 1      56 1
                                                8           6
64 1      70 1        73 1          79 1         82 1        82-85 1          
5         5              5            4          4              3


KB/DB RFE Single leg squat 4x5ea
Glute ham raise 4x6

Supine Hamstring Walk x8
Iso Superman Holds x:30sec
Prone Planks with leg raise x:45sec-:60sec

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