Wednesday, January 31, 2018

1 Feb 2018-3RD MRB Workout Thursday

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep
Hurdles - Straight Leg x 20     
Bent Leg x 20
Over/Under 8 Trips   

Mechanics & Acceleration

Come To Balance x 8    Start - Stop - Start 
Multi Starts x 7      Rt. Knee / Left Knee / Both Knees / Prone /
Open Rt. / Open Left / Seated


Ladders - 2 Feet in each / 1 Foot in each / Rt. Foot Hop / Left
Foot Hop / Shuffle / Over 3 - Back 1

Track Work
Rower or Versa Climber or Bike or Treadmill
15 Seconds Work – 45 Seconds Rest

       (12 Total Reps)

1 Feb 2018-Thursday (Upper Body SE)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup
8x60 yd Shuttle (5, 10, 15 ) Goal Time < ::20sec rest :40
PAP(Pre Activity Prep) Band Series:Horizontal Pull Aparts,Protraction, Retraction 3x12ea

T1 Warm up Bench: 49 1     58 1   
                                                  8        8      

Bench Press-    70 1***       76-79 6 ***                   ***  Denotes Start sets every :80 sec    
                                  6               4
DB or KB Single Arm Row 5x5  each arm.  Complete these with your warm up sets and your 1st working set.

T2 4 Rounds

Standing DB or KB Shoulder Press 4x6
Supine Rows 4x8 (Bar, TX or Rope)     Max rest between Rounds :60-:90 sec 
Back Ext 4x10


TRX I's and T's 3x8 ea
1/2 Kneeling Lifts 3x8 ea
3 x Push up Series(Complete 1,2, then 3 in order per set)    Max rest between Rounds :60-:90 sec 
   1. Clapping x5
   2. Feet Elevated x 12
   3. Staggered x 8ea

AUX 2-3 Rounds
1 Arm KB Farmers Walk 3x:30sec each arm
Grip Roller 3x:30sec
DB Curls 3x:30sec

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

31 Jan 2018-Wednesday (Lower Body Power)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup
Optional Conditioning Multistarts 5yards x12
PAP: Lying hip circles in 3x12ea, lying hip circles out 3x12 ea, wave squats 3x12

T1a Clean Pulls   611        67 1      73 1               
                             5           5           5                          
Broad Jumps 4x4

T1b  Power Squat or Deadlift 
49    581  warm up  61 641     672 Target speed >.75, Stay above 85% of your best rep on each set, the set is over if you drop below 85%
6        5                 5      5      5
Single Leg Bridge with Knee Hug 4x8ea

T1a&T1b are power exercises.  This means the weights will be moderate and we need to focus on bar speed!  If you can, use a tendo unit.  The faster you move a weight the more power you will produce.  while doing this it is very important to maintain great technique.

DB/KB Step Up with Knee Drive 3x5ea
Vert MB Toss  3x5

T3  3 Rounds
Slide Leg Curls x8
BW Squat Jumps x8
Reverse Hypers x10

AUX 2-3 Rounds
Iso Superman Hold :30sec
Prone Plank Pulls :30ea

31 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Wednesday

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep

1a.Single Arm KB Reverse Lunge to Press x5ea
1b.5-10-5 Shuttle x1
5 Sets

2a.BW/KB Rotational  Lunge x8ea
2b.Single Arm TRX Row x8ea
2c.Glute Ham Raise x8
2d.DB Alternating Bench Press x8ea
4 Sets

3a.Turkish Get Ups x5ea
3 Sets


Monday, January 29, 2018

30 Jan 2018-Tuesday (Anaerobic Conditioning)

Foam Roll& Correctives
Dynamic Warm Up

Sprint Option  2-3 Rounds of......
3x400m<:90sec rest 2-3min, 3x200m< :45 rest 1.5-2min

Rope Option  3-5 Rounds of......
Stagecoach, Wave. Alt Wave, Weave, Circles Out, Hip to Hip, Alt Circles Out, Criss Cross, Serpent one set of each 1st round :30sec on/ :30sec rest on each x1,  2nd round :20sec on/ :20sec rest on each x1, 3rd round :20sec on/ :40sec rest on each x1

Interval Circuit   3-5 Rounds of......
1.Treadmill Sprint x :30sec 2.Rest :60sec 3.Rower x :30sec (max distance)   4.Rest :60sec 5.Heavy Sled Push x :30sec (max distance) 6.Rest :60sec 7.Treadmill Sprint x :30sec 8.Rest :60sec
9. Rower x :30sec (max distance)   10.est :60sec 11.eavy Sled Push x :30sec (max distance) 12.KB Iso Goblet Squat
Rest 2:00-3:00min between rounds and repeat for desired number of rounds

Interval Circuit 2   3-5 Rounds of......
1.ForceTreadmill Sprint x :30sec(max distance) 2.Rest :60sec 3.Airdyne x :30sec (max distance)   4.Rest :60sec 5. VersaClimber x :30sec (max distance) 6. Rest :60sec 7. Force Treadmill Sprint x :30sec(max distance) 8.Rest :60sec 9. Airdyne x :30sec (max distance)  10.Rest :60sec 11.VersaClimber x :30sec (max distance)12) SKB Iso Goblet Squat
Rest 2:00-3:00min between rounds and repeat for desired number of rounds

Row Option
1x500m row  moderate even pace, work to rest ratio 1:1  EX:  If it takes 5 min to complete the 500m rest 5 min
2-3 Rounds of.....
4x500m row rest 2:1, 4x250m row rest 2.5:1

30 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Tuesday

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep

2 Rounds
Shin Box Windshield Wipers x 8ea
Shin Box Hip Ext x8ea

Straight Leg Hurdle Skips x20
Bent Knee Hurdle Skips x20
Hurdle Over Unders x 8 passes

Track Work
1600's x2-3 Goal Time < 6:00 Rest Time 5:00
Finish last mile and record time
Workout can be reasonably simulated indoors using Treadmill, Bike, Versa Climber, Rower, ect

Indoor Option

Work Time 6:00 Rest Time 5:00 x4 Reps2 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Tuesday

Friday, January 26, 2018

Performance Prep 1

Click To See Full Image

29 Jan 2018-Monday (Total Body Max Strength)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup
Optional Conditioning 30yd prowler push x6 on the min
PAP: Light KB Swings 3x10, Inch Worm Push Up 3x5, Leg Swings 3x15ea
Warm up Clean Pulls 59 1   67 1    Cleans   67 1     76 1    82 1    85 1  88 1 
                                 5             4                    3           3       2         2      2              

Front/Back Squat
Warm Up 491    58 1                67 1       761      821      881     941     94-971
                            8     6                      5        2-3     1-2      1       1        ME
Pigeon or brettzle stretch 4x :20-:30sec each side

DB Incline Bench 5x5
Weighted Chin Ups 5x3
MB Box Jumps 5x2

Barbell Glute Bridge 3x5
Close Grip Bench  3x5
1 Arm band Row with rotation 3x5ea

Alt DB Raises 3x10ea
Prone Cobras 3x10

Prone Plank with Limb Raise 3x:45-:60
Optional Upper Body (Bi/Tri/Shoulder)
Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

29 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Monday

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep

1a.Single Arm KB L.Cycle Swings x5ea
1b.Single Response Broad Jumps x 3 (stick the landing)
5 Sets

2a.Trapbar Deadlift x3-5 reps
2b.Bench Press or DB Incline Press x5
2c.Single Leg Squat x5
2d.Neutral Grip Pull Ups x5
5 Sets

3a.Scoops x25
3b.Bicycle Crunches x25
3c.6 inches to 90deg x25
2 Sets


Thursday, January 25, 2018

26 Jan 2018-Friday (Lower Body SE)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup
8x60 yd Shuttle (5, 10, 15 ) Goal Time < ::20sec rest :40

PAP(Pre Activity Prep) Lateral Lunges 3x8ea, SL Glute Bridge 3x8ea, 1/2+Full BW squats 3x5ea

T1a Complex: Initial Clean Pull/Clean Pull/Power Clean
 58 1      64-671         70-731-2                               max rest between sets 2:00min
5ea       5ea                5ea      
T1b Squat or Deadlift
Warm up: 491    581                                                                                                   67-70 4-5   
                  8       6       start working sets every :75sec    5
Band Punch and Hold 3x:30sec each side (start sets with warm up sets, only do one side at a time with any working sets

DB or KB Step Ups 3x8ea
Single Leg Dynamic Band Leg Curl  3x8ea    max rest between rounds :60-:90 sec
1/2 Kneeling Chops 3x8ea    

Lateral Bounds 2x8 ea
Prone back Ext 2x10                                max rest between rounds :60-:90 sec             
Pistol Squats (12 to 18in box) 3x8ea 

1 Arm KB Farmers Walk 3x:30sec each arm
Prone Plank with leg raises 3x:30sec
Side Plank with Abduction 3x:30sec

26 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Friday

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep

1a.Double KB Rack Squats x15
1b.TRX Row x15
1c.TRX Single Leg King Deadlift x10-15ea
1d.Dips x10-15
4 Sets

2a.75 yard shuttle x 8 (:15 sec rest between reps)
1 Sets

3a.Ab Wheel x5
3b.Pike Combo x10
3 Sets


25 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Thursday

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep

2 Rounds
Shin Box Windshield Wipers x 8ea
Shin Box Hip Ext x8ea

Straight Leg Hurdle Skips x20
Bent Knee Hurdle Skips x20
Hurdle Over Unders x 8 passes 

Agility Ladders - 2 Feet in each / 1 Foot in each / Rt. Foot Hop / Left Foot Hop / Shuffle / Over 3 - Back 1
Diamond drill x3 each way

Multi Starts- Rt Knee x2/ Lt Knee x2/ Both Knees x2/ Prone x2/Open Rt x2/ Open Lt x2/ Seated x2

Track Work
Go- Stop-Go x4
Go- Buzz- Go x4

Jog + Rotate (Slide Kick)+ Hammer(Sprint) x 6 reps (20 yards each)

25 Jan 2018-Thursday (Strongman Challenge or Aerobic Conditioning)

Option 1:  Long Run or Swim  6-8 mile run < 8min/mile or 2500+m swim

Option 2:  Long Row  or bike 6,000m-8,000+ row for time  or 40-45min bike for distance

Option 3: 4-5mile ruck  < 1:00min -1:15

Stone/Sled Circuit Option:  1-2 Rounds of......
Start with an empty sled, complete 1 sled push, followed by 1 sled pull.  Next complete 5 reps of stone load OR Stone Ext.  Go back to the sled and add I plate on each side, complete 1 sled push, followed by 1 sled pull.  Next complete  4 reps of stone load OR Stone Ext.  Go back to the sled and add I plate on each side, complete 1 sled push, followed by 1 sled pull.  Next complete  3 reps of stone load OR Stone Ext.  Go back to the sled and add I plate on each side, complete 1 sled push, followed by 1 sled pull.  Next complete  2 reps of stone load OR Stone Ext.  Go back to the sled and add I plate on each side, complete 1 sled push, followed by 1 sled pull.  Next complete  1 reps of stone load OR Stone Ext. Now Do the same thing but in reverse, taking one plate off the sled, but adding one rep to the stone load OR Stone Ext until the sled is empty again, and you are finishing with 5 reps on the stone.
Rest between rounds and repeat for desired number of rounds if you dare

Strongman Circuit Option:.....3-5 Rounds
1.5xLog Bar Clean and Press  2.30ydsxHeavy SKB Farmers Walk Right 3.30ydsxHeavy SKB Farmers Walk Left 4.Sit Ups x40 5. Prone Upper back ext x 20 6. 30yds x MB Keg Toss 7. 30 yds x Heavy Sled Push 8. Sit Ups x25 9. Prone Lower back ext x 20 10. 60 yd shuttle 

Rest 2:00-3:00min between rounds and repeat for desired number of rounds

24 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Wednesday

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep

1a.Turkish Get-Ups x5ea
1b.5-10-5 Shuttle
5 Sets

2a.KB rack Reverse Lunge x8ea
2b.DB Row x8ea
2c.Single leg KB (1 KB) RDL's x8ea
2d.1/2 Kneeling KB Shoulder Press x8ea
4 Sets

3a.Scoops x25
3b.Bicycle Crunches x25
3c.6 Inches to 90 deg x25
3 Sets


24 Jan 2018-Wednesday (Total Body Power)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup

Optional Conditioning Multistarts 5yards x12
PAP: KB Swings, Plate Int/Ext Rotations, elbow Push Ups, BW Squats 3x10ea

Clean Pull Warm Up  671     Power Clean   64 1   67 1       76 1   79-821             
                                     4                                4        4        4        3       

Power Squat(front or back) 49  warm up       581       611     642    671  All sets should stay above .70
                                                                 8                            6         5      5        5
Keep speeds at or above 85% of your  best rep on ME Sets.  Get as many reps as your can staying above 85%.
Box Jumps 4x3
Barbell Push Press  4x5 All sets should stay above .99
Dynamic Band Pulldowns 4x8

T1&T2 are power exercises.  This means the weights will be moderate and we need to focus on bar speed!  If you can, use a tendo unit.  The faster you move a weight the more power you will produce.  while doing this it is very important to maintain great technique.

T3 2-3 Rounds
SKB Offset Concentric Get Ups x5e
Incline MB Throws x8
TRX 1 Arm Rows x8ea
AUX 2-3 Rounds
Dynamic Straight Leg Bridge
Horizontal Band Pullaparts x12
Diagonal Band Pullaparts x12ea

23 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Tuesday

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep

2 Rounds
Shin Box Windshield Wipers x 8ea
Shin Box Hip Ext x8ea

Straight Leg Hurdle Skips x20
Bent Knee Hurdle Skips x20
Hurdle Over Unders x 8 passes 

Track Work

1200's x4
Goal Time < 4:30  Rest Time 4:30

Workout can be reasonably simulated indoors using Treadmill, Bike, Versa Climber, Rower, ect

23 Jan 2018-Tuesday (KB Circuit or Anaerobic Conditioning)

Foam Roll& Correctives
Dynamic Warm Up

Sprint Option  2-4 Rounds of......
 2x800m< 3:20 Rest 3-4min, 2x400m<:90sec rest 2-3min, 2x200m< :45 rest 1.5-2min

Rope Option Stagecoach, Wave. Alt Wave, Weave, Circles Out, Hip to Hip, Alt Circles Out, Criss Cross, Serpent one set of each 1st round :30sec on/ :30sec rest on each x1,  2nd round :20sec on/ :20sec rest on each x1, 3rd round :20sec on/ :40sec rest on each x1

Interval Circuit   3-5 Rounds of......
1.Treadmill Sprint x :30sec 2.Rest :60sec 3.Rower x :30sec (max distance)   4.Rest :60sec 5.Heavy Sled Push x :30sec (max distance) 6.Rest :60sec 7.Treadmill Sprint x :30sec 8.Rest :60sec
9. Rower x :30sec (max distance)   10.est :60sec 11.eavy Sled Push x :30sec (max distance) 12.KB Iso Goblet Squat
Rest 2:00-3:00min between rounds and repeat for desired number of rounds

Interval Circuit 2   3-5 Rounds of......
1.ForceTreadmill Sprint x :30sec(max distance) 2.Rest :60sec 3.Airdyne x :30sec (max distance)   4.Rest :60sec 5. VersaClimber x :30sec (max distance) 6. Rest :60sec 7. Force Treadmill Sprint x :30sec(max distance) 8.Rest :60sec 9. Airdyne x :30sec (max distance)  10.Rest :60sec 11.VersaClimber x :30sec (max distance)12) SKB Iso Goblet Squat
Rest 2:00-3:00min between rounds and repeat for desired number of rounds

Row Option
1x500m row  moderate even pace, work to rest ratio 1:1  EX:  If it takes 5 min to complete the 500m rest 5 min
1-3 Rounds of.....
1x1000m rest 1:1, 2x500 rest 1.5:1, 3x500m row rest 2:1, 4x250m row rest 2.5:1

Monday, January 22, 2018

22 Jan 2018--Monday (Upper Body Strength)

Dynamic Warmup
Optional Conditioning Speed Ladder x20
PAP: Walking Push Ups 3x5, Plate L Raise w/ Rotation 3x12, Short band scaption 3x12

warm up  361   481       working   58 1     67 1          73 1        79-82 2 
                10      8                  8         6           5                5      

Bent Over Barbell Rows 5x5
Standing Shoulder Press 4x5
Weighted Pull Up 4x5
T3  3 Rounds
Close Grip Bench x5
1 Arm DB Rows x5ea
Tall Kneeling 1 Arm DB/KB Press x5ea
Plank Band Rows x12ea
AUX 2-3 Rounds
Dips x:30sec
Triceps x:30sec
Biceps x:30sec

22 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Monday

 Foam Roll & Correctives

Performance Prep


1a.Single Arm KB Dead Snatch x5ea

1b.Box Jumps x3

5 Sets

2a.Doiuble KB Rack Walking Lunge x5ea

2b.Rope or Towel Pull Ups x8

2c.Glute Ham Raise x5

2d.KB or DB Floor Press x5

5 Sets


3a.75 Yard Shuttle x8 (15 sec rest between reps)

1-2 Sets


Friday, January 19, 2018

19 Jan 2018-Friday (KB Circuit or Aerobic Conditioning)

Foam Roll& Correctives
Dynamic Warm Up

Run Option: Run 5 Miles at moderate to easy pace

Swim Option: Swim 1500M

Rope Option Stagecoach, Wave. Alt Wave, Weave, Circles Out, Hip to Hip, Alt Circles Out, Criss Cross, Serpent one set of each 1st round :30sec on/ :30sec rest on each x1,  2nd round :20sec on/ :20sec rest on each x1, 3rd round :20sec on/ :40sec rest on each x1

Row Option
1x500m row  moderate even pace, work to rest ratio 1:1  EX:  If it takes 5 min to complete the 500m rest 5 min
Row 4000M for time

Body Weight Option 4-5 Rounds Continuous Each exercise is :30sec work :15sec rest
1.Jumps Squats    2.Iso SKB Goblet Squat    3.Push Ups   4.Superman Iso Hold    5.Split Squat Jumps
6.Side Plank-Right  7. Burpee   8.Pull Up Negatives    9.Mountian Climbers   
10.Prone Shoulder Taps  11.Side Plank-Left   12. 5/10/15 yd shuttle  13.Sit Ups 14.Versa Climber 15.Rest

KB Circuit Road to Nowhere
1)3-6 Rounds of....
A.DKB Rack Squat x5   B.DKB Farmers Walks 60-90yds   C.Renegade Row x8ea
NO Rest between Exs, Rest 1-3min btwn rounds.  Complete desired # of rounds & then move on to...
2)3-6 Rounds of.......
A.SKB L.Cycle Swing x12   B.SKB L.Cycle Clean x5each  C.DKB Sumo DL x 10   D.SKB Singe Leg RDL x5each    E. SKB Press x5each    F.SKB 1 Arm Row x8each
NO Rest between Exs, Rest 1-2min between rounds.  Complete desired # of rounds to finsh.

19 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Friday

Foam Roll & CorrectivesPerformance Prep

1a.BW (or very light bar or dowel) Overhead Squats x15
1b.Rope Row x15
1c.TRX Leg Curl x10-15
1d.Feet elevated Push Up x10-15
4 Sets

2a.300 yard shuttle x 2 (1:00 min rest between reps)
1 Sets

3a.MB Russian Twists x25
3b.MB Get Up Sit Ups x20
1-2 Sets


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

18 Jan 2018-Thursday (Total Body MSE)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup
Optional Conditioning 30yd High/Low prowler push x6 on the min

PAP: Light KB Swings 3x10, Inch Worm Push Up 3x5, Leg Swings 3x15ea

T1a(combo)One Clean Pull, One Power Clean, One Hang Clean then repeat.
Clean Pull+ Hang Clean + Power Clean  671     731    761     791       82-851     max rest 1:20sec btw sets
                                                                 3ea    3ea     3ea     3ea     3ea 

Deadlift or Front/Back Squat  641   701    Warm Ups  76-791      82-85 8    Every :70sec on working set
                                                  8       6                  4               2
Active Straight Leg Raise 4x8ea

T2 3 Rounds
DB Incline Bench 5x5       max rest :60-75sec between rounds
1 arm DB Rows 5x5ea

T3 3 Rounds
MB Slam w/ Burpee 3x8
DB/KB Single Leg RDL's  3x5ea   max rest :60-75sec between rounds
Iso Superman Holds 3x:30sec

AUX 2-3 Rounds
DB Flys x10
DB Rev Flys x10
DB Curls & Press x10

118 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Thursday

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep

2 Rounds
Shin Box Windshield Wipers x 8ea
Shin Box Hip Ext x8ea

Straight Leg Hurdle Skips x20
Bent Knee Hurdle Skips x20
Hurdle Over Unders x 8 passes 

Speed Ladder Drill Choose 6-10 drill x 2 reps each
Illinois Agility x 2 each way

Track Work
Go- Stop-Go x4
Go- Buzz- Go x4

40's 2sets x10reps each Max effort, rest :40-:45sec between reps 2-3min between sets.
Workout can be reasonably simulated indoors using Treadmill, Bike, Versa Climber, Rower, ect

2 sets x 10 reps of :05sec Max sprint rest :40-:45sec between reps 2-3min between sets.

17 Jan 2018-Wednesday (Check yourself(active recovery) or Wreck yourself)

Check Yourself (Recovery)
Foam Roll& Correctives
Dynamic Warm Up

Interval Sprint  16-20 moderate effort sprints of :30sec Rest :90-:120sec between each rep

Body Weight Option 4-5 Rounds Continuous Each exercise is :15sec work :45sec rest
1. BW Squats        2. Squat Jumps      3. Shoulder Taps    4. Iron Cross 
5. Scorpions (lying on stomach)  6. BW Lunges   7. Split Squat Jumps 
8. Prone Cobras   9. Bicycle Crunches  10. 60 yd shuttle  11.Rest

Fartlek Option 30 min Continuous
A. Walk x :45sec
B.  Jog x :30sec
C.  Sprint x :15
repeat for 30 min
Cardio Option 30-40 min continuous cardio exercise, your choice (bike, run, row, swim, ect).  At a very moderate pace

Wreck Yourself (No Recovery)
Foam Roll & Stretch
Dynamic Warm Up
1000M x5-6reps   2 min recovery between reps. 
Trying to achieve the best avg over the 5-6 reps.
Best Posted Avg so far.......1:50.02per 500m throughout the course of the 6000M covered

17 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Wednesday

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep

1a.Single Arm KB Step Up to Press x5ea
1b.5-10-5 shuttle x 1
5 Sets

2a.BW or KB Lateral Lunge x8ea
2b.DB Row x8
2c.Glute Ham Raise x8
2d.Single Arm DB Bench Press x8ea
4 Sets

3a.Dead bugs x10ea
3b.Scoops x25
3c.Bicycle Crunches x25ea
1-2 Sets


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

16 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Tuesday

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep
2 Rounds
Shin Box Windshield Wipers x 8ea
Shin Box Hip Ext x8ea

Straight Leg Hurdle Skips x20
Bent Knee Hurdle Skips x20
Hurdle Over Unders x 8 passes 

Track Work
800's x5-6
Goal Time < 3:00  Rest Time 3:00

Workout can be reasonably simulated indoors using Treadmill, Bike, Versa Climber, Rower, ect

16 Jan 2018-Tuesday (Upper Body Power)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup 
Optional Conditioning Speed Ladder x20
PAP: Plate Full Cans, Plate Empty Cans, Plate low Int/Ext Rotations, Scap Push Ups 3x12ea
Power Bench   40 1   48 1         warm up  581   612    67      All Reps above .70 avg velocity, continue with asmap on ME sets
                          8       6                          6        5       4     until you drop below 90% of you best reps speed for that set.
Seated Band Dynamic Rows 5x8

Shoulder or Pec Trigger Point 5:30sec    Use Lax Ball/Softball against the wall or the floor to isolate trigger points
DB or KB or Barbell Push Press 3x5        All Reps above .99 avg velocity
Dynamic (fast up slow down) Pull Up 3x5
T1&T2 are power exercises.  This means the weights will be moderate and we need to focus on bar speed!  If you can, use a tendo unit.  The faster you move a weight the more power you will produce.  while doing this it is very important to maintain great technique.

T3  3 Rounds
Band Rotation with press x8ea side
Band Face Pulls x8
DB or KB Power Shrugs x8
Clapping Push ups x5

AUX 2-3 Rounds
DB 3 way Raises x10ea
Triceps x:30sec
Biceps x:30sec

15 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Monday

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep

1a.Single Arm KB dead Swing x5ea
1b.Single response Broad Jumps x 3 (stick the landing)
5 Sets

2a.TrapBar Deadlift x3-5 reps
2b.Barbell of DB Bench Press x5
2c.Single Leg Squat x5ea
2d.Rope (of towel) Pull Upsx5
5 Sets

3a.Hanging Knee Raises x25
3b.Pike combo x10ea
1-2 Sets


15 Jan 2018-Monday (Lower Body Strength)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup
Condo: 8x60 yard shuttles on the min
PAP: Band walks: fwd, back, lateral R, lateral L, Straight leg fwd, SL Back, SL lateral R & L x 15 yds each
Cleans Pull Warm Up 64 1 Power Cleans   76 1
   82 1     85 1       88     
                                     5                            3       3         3         2        
Foam Roll Glutes, Calves, or IT band 4x :20-:30sec each side

Front/Back Squat Warm Up  48 1        61 1
                                                8           6
70 1      76 1        79 1          82 1         851        85-88 1          
5         4              4              3         3              3
Pigeon, brettzle, or couch stretch 4x :20-:30sec each side
KB/DB RFE Single leg squat 4x5ea
Glute Ham Raises 4x5

Rotational MB throws 3x5ea
Single Leg FFE Glute Bridge 3x8
Alligator Walks 3x15 yards each

Supine Hamstring Walk x8
Iso Superman Holds x:30sec
Prone Planks x:45sec

12 Jan 2018-3RD MRB Workout Friday

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep

1a.SKB Goblet Squats x15
1b.TRX Row x15
1c.TRX Leg Curl x10-15ea
1d.TRX Feet Elevated Push Up with Hip Flexion x10-15
4 Sets

2a. 150 yard shuttle x4 (:30sec rest between reps)
1 Set

3a.2 1/2 Minute Plank (High, Right, Left, Low, Super) x:30sec each
3 Sets


12 Jan 2018-Friday (KB Circuit or Aerobic Conditioning)

KB Option:The Dean's List 4-6 Rounds
1.SKB Swings x10+ SKB 1 arm Swings Rtx5+SKB 1 arm Swings Ltx5 (or 20 SKB Swings), Rest :20sec       2.DKB Clean x8, Rest :20sec      3.DKB Squats x10, Rest :20Sec     4.DKB Push Press x10, Rest :20Sec     5.Plank to Push Up x10, Rest :20sec    6.DKB Farmers Walk x60 Yards, Rest :20sec   
Option 1:  Long Run or Swim  7-8 mile run < 8min/mile or 1500+m swim

Option 2:  Long Row  or bike 10,000m+ row for time  or 60min bike for distance

Option 3: 5mile ruck  < 1:15min

Option 4:MB Circuit  Perform each Exercise with an interval of :30/:30 for 5sets of 5 reps, take a 60 sec break between exercises.  When one full circuit is complete take a 2 min break and repeat all for an interval of :20/:10 for 5 sets of 5 reps again. 
1.Vert MB Toss

2.MB windmill Slams
3.Kneeling Medball toss with Bear Crawl
4. MB Slam w Burpee
5. Reverse Crunch
6. MB Chest Pass throw from the Ground

Option 5: Cardio Round Robin (bike x1mile , row x2k, force treadmill x500yd, versaclimber x400m, force treadmill x550yds) x2  Rest in in between implements and at the completion of each round

Optional :Odd object  1)5x Log Clean + Press  2)5x Stone Row 3)5x Stone Lap Row 4)3xStone Load 5)3x Stone Load + Place  6)5x Pull Up Negatives 7)Sandbag Plank

Thursday, January 11, 2018

11 Jan 2018- Thursday (Upper Body SE)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup
8x60 yd Shuttle (5, 10, 15 ) Goal Time < ::20sec rest :40
PAP(Pre Activity Prep) Band Series:Horizontal Pull Aparts,Protraction, Retraction 3x12ea

Warm up Bench: 49 1     58 1   
                                           8        8      

Bench Press-    61 1***       73-76 4-6 ***                   ***  Denotes Start sets every :85 sec    

                           6          5
DB or KB Single Arm Row 5x5  each arm.  Complete these with your warm up sets and your 1st working set.

T2 3 Rounds

Standing DB or KB Shoulder Press 3x8
Supine Rows 3x10 (Bar, TX or Rope)     Max rest between Rounds :60-:90 sec 
Back Ext 3x10


TRX I's and T's 3x8 ea
1/2 Kneeling Lifts 3x8 ea
3 x Push up Series(Complete 1,2, then 3 in order per set)    Max rest between Rounds :60-:90 sec 
   1. Clapping x5
   2. MB Close Grip x 10
   3. Staggered x 8ea

AUX 2-3 Rounds
1 Arm KB Farmers Walk 3x:30sec each arm
Grip Roller 3x:30sec
DB Curls 3x:30sec

11 Jan 2018--3RD MRB Workout Thursday

Foam Roll

Performance Prep

Hurdles - Straight Leg x 20     

              Bent Leg x 20

              Over/Under 8 Trips

Ladders - 2 Feet in each / 1 Foot in each / Rt. Foot Hop / Left Foot Hop / Hopscotch /Shuffle / Lateral / Over 3 - Back 1

Come To Balance x 8 - Start-Stop–Start / Start–Buzz-Start

Multi Starts x 7  -  Rt. Knee / Left Knee / Both Knees / Prone / Open Rt. / Open Left / Seated

KB – Horrendous Heart Rate x 1