Monday, August 31, 2015

31 Aug 2015- Monday

  Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup 
Row 200 m  x 3-5; Rest 1 min OR Heavy Prowler Pushes 10x15 yds 

Clean Pull  from Dead Hang or Floor      553

Full Clean from Hang or Floor      611    70 1      79 3    
                                                          5       4           4             
Repeat Box Jumps 3x3 ea set- Jump up to a low box and then jump again for max height.

Deadlift or Front Squat    55 1     61-67 8    On the minute- make sure to use your new maxes    
                                            5              3                    
Lat Stretch or IR Stretch 3x2 sec ea side ea set


Weighted Pull Ups 3x 5-8

DB/ KB RDL's  3x6

Single Leg Glute Bridge with Barbell 3x8 each leg

Pigeon Stretch on box or floor 2x:10 sec ea side/ea set

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Friday, August 28, 2015

28 Aug 2015- Friday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives    
Perform a Conditioning Option from Wednesday if not performed then choose 1:

Option 1: Barbell Complex- Complete the first complex for 5 Rounds with lighter weight and working on moving quickly through the exercises.  Then Complete the second complex for as many rounds as possible increasing the weight ea time through until failure
  Complex 1
  BB Curls   x6
  BB Upright Row  x6
  BB High Pull Snatch from Thigh  x6
  BB Press  x6
  BB Bent Over Row  x8
  BB Front Squat Push Press  x6
  BB Good Morning  x10
  BB Quarter Squat  x10
  BB RDL   x10

Complex 2 BB Curls   x3
  BB Upright Row  x3
  BB High Pull Snatch from Thigh  x3
  BB Press  x3
  BB Bent Over Row  x3
  BB Front Squat Push Press  x3
  BB Good Morning  x5
  BB Quarter Squat  x5
  BB RDL   x5

Option 2: Perform ea Exercise with an interval of :30/:30 for 5 sets then take a 2 min break and repeat all for an interval of :20/:10 for 4 rounds  
  Straight Leg Toe Touch
  Pull Up or Inverted Row 
  Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat 
  Super Pike 
  Tuck Jumps

Option 3:

Sandbag Circuit:
10-1 Ladder

  Back Squat  
  Clean and Press
  Box Jump (no bag)
  Plank Pull (# of reps is done on ea side; ex. if doing Ladder #5, you will do 5 to the right and 5 to the left) 
 Sandbag Keg toss 

Option 4:
Pick Your Own- BW/KB/DB Challenge Option

Thursday, August 27, 2015

20 Aug 27- Thursday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives    Dynamic Warmup + Agility Ladder or Dot Drill
14-16 x 60 YD Sprint or Shuttle

 4 Rounds of......
Clean + 2 Front Squat x 3 OR Snatch Balance x3 OR Snatch 5x2
Box Jumps x 5                      
Pushups x 15  

  Front/Back Squat 
  55 1         67 1        76 3        79 1        671                             Frog Stretch 3x5sec hold ea set
   8             6         6         4       AMRAP                 

DB Renegade Row 4x8 total Barbell Snatch Grip RDL 4x5 DB Incline Bench Press 4x5 Weighted Pull Up 4x5

Core Circuit

Optional Upper Body (Bi/Tri/Shoulder)

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

24 August 2015- Wednesday Workout

Run Option 

4x400m under 1:45/ Rest 2-3 min
3x200m under :45 sec/ Rest 1:30  
2x100m under :20 sec/ Rest 1:00

Long Run Option 

4x1mi Repeats; Start each mile every 10 min, whatever you have left in the 10 min is you rest time.  
Ex:  If your first mile is completed in a time of 7:05 you will have 2:55 rest
Row Option  

Goal Pace= 2min/250m

Ruck Option  

1/2 mi repeats x 4-6.  Goal time <7:00min, Rest 5:00 min between reps, complete core circuit option
Body Weight Option Body Weight Ladder
Complete as many Rounds until failure; 
Round 1= 1 pull up, 2 dips, 3 situps
Round 2= 2 pull ups, 4 dips, 6 situps
Complete up to 20 Rounds

Pullups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Dips 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40
Situps  3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60

 KB Circuit- Pinnacle

A.   SKB Dead Swing x 5 L/R

       SKB L Cycle Swing x 5 L/R

B. SKB Dead Clean x5 R/L

     SKB L Cycle Clean x 5 L/R C. Dead Clean and Press x 5 L/R

     L. Cycle Clean and Press x 5 L/R

D. (Perform all Left then all Right)

     High Pull x 5

     Half Snatch x 5 (bring down to shoulder)

     Full Snatch x 5

E. Dead Clean + Rack Squat x 5 L/R

     L. Cycle Clean + Squat x 5 L/R

     SKB Swing + Squat x 5

F. Windmill x 5 L/R

     Figure 8 to Hold x 10

     SKB Sumo DL x 10 ea Arm

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

23 August 2015- Tuesday Workout

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup + Rope Warm Up
2x400yd, 2x 200yd runs
Bench Press- Level 5 Program- 4x5 with the goal to lift as much total weight as possible (Record total weight lifted as you will try to beat that next week- Should be over a total of 3400-5000lbs).  You should be able to lift more weight than the previous week.
5lb Shoulder Prehab (YTI) x12 reps ea 

Single KB Rack Squat 3x10 ea arm
Barbell/DB Front Shoulder Raise 3x8
Walking Plank (Hands Low to High) 3x :30 sec
Kneeling KB/DB Single Arm Press 3x6 ea side
1/2 Get Up 3x5 ea side
Reverse Hyperextensions 3x12
Push up Series(Complete 1 per set)
1. Weighted Push Ups x10
2. 3 Position Hold x :15 sec Top/Middle/Bottom
3. 1/2 + Full Pushup x 10

Upper Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Monday, August 24, 2015

24 August 2015- Monday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup 

Row 500 m under 1:50 x 3-5; Rest 1 min OR Heavy Prowler Pushes 6x30 yds 

Full Clean from Hang or Floor      641    67 1      76 1   85 2   91 
                                                          4       4           2         1       ME
Broad Jumps 3x3 ea set- Try to jump further than last week.

Deadlift     64 1     76-82 8    On the minute- make sure to use your new maxes    
                  5              3                    
Lat Stretch or IR Stretch 3x2 sec ea side ea set

Pull Ups 3x 5-12

Barbell Good Morning 3x6

Double Leg Glute Bridge with Barbell 3x10

Pigeon Stretch on box or floor 2x:10 sec ea side/ea set

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Friday, August 21, 2015

21 Aug 15- Friday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives    
Perform a Conditioning Option from Wednesday if not performed then choose 1:

Option 1: Barbell Complex- Complete the first complex for 5 Rounds with lighter weight and working on moving quickly through the exercises.  Then Complete the second complex for as many rounds as possible increasing the weight ea time through until failure
  Complex 1
  BB Upright Row  x6
  BB High Pull Snatch from Thigh  x6
  BB Press  x6
  BB Bent Over Row  x8
  BB Front Squat Push Press  x6
  BB Good Morning  x8
  BB Quarter Squat  x10
  BB RDL   x8
  BB Curls   x6

Complex 2
  BB Upright Row  x3
  BB High Pull Snatch from Thigh  x3
  BB Press  x3
  BB Bent Over Row  x3
  BB Front Squat Push Press  x3
  BB Quarter Squat  x5
  BB RDL   x5
  BB Curls   x3

Option 2: Perform ea Exercise with an interval of :30/:30 for 5 sets then take a 2 min break and repeat all for an interval of :20/:10 for 4 rounds  
  Straight Leg Toe Touch
  Pull Up or Inverted Row 
  Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat 
  Super Pike 
  Squat Jumps

Option 3:

Sandbag Circuit: 

7-1-7 Pyramid
  Back Squat  
  Clean and Press
  Box Jump (no bag)
  Plank Pull (# of reps is done on ea side; ex. if doing Ladder #5, you will do 5 to the right and 5 to the left) Sandbag Keg toss 

Option 4:
Pick Your Own- BW/KB/DB Challenge Option

Thursday, August 20, 2015

20 Aug 15- Thursday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives    Dynamic Warmup + Agility Ladder or Dot Drill
12 x 60 YD Sprint or Shuttle

4 Rounds of......
Clean + 2 Front Squat x 5 OR Snatch Balance x3 OR Snatch 5x2
Box Jumps x 5                      
Pushups x 15  
  Front/Back Squat 
  61 1         70 1        79 1        82 2        851       94 1                           Frog Stretch 3x5sec hold ea set
   8              5             3            2            2         ME

DB Renegade Row 4x8 total Barbell Snatch Grip RDL 4x6 DB Incline Bench Press 4x5 Weighted Pull Up 4x5

Core Circuit

Optional Upper Body (Bi/Tri/Shoulder)

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

19 Aug 2015- Wednesday

Run Option 

3x400m under 1:45/ Rest 2-3 min
4x200m under :45 sec/ Rest 1:30  
4x100m under :20 sec/ Rest 1:00

Long Run Option 

3x1mi Repeats; Start each mile every 10 min, whatever you have left in the 10 min is you rest time.  
Ex:  If your first mile is completed in a time of 7:05 you will have 2:55 rest
Row Option  

1x2:00min; Rest 2 min 
1x3:00min; Rest 3 min
1x4:00min; Rest 3 min 
Goal Pace= 2min/250m
1x3:00min; Rest 2 min
1x2:00min; Rest 1 min
Goal Pace= 1:45min/250m 
Ruck Option  

1/4 mi repeats x 6-10.  Goal time <3:00min, Rest 3:00 min between reps, complete core circuit option
Body Weight Option Body Weight Ladder
Complete as many Rounds until failure; 
Round 1= 1 pull up, 2 dips, 3 situps
Round 2= 2 pull ups, 4 dips, 6 situps
Complete up to 20 Rounds

Pullups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Dips 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40
Situps  3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60

 KB Circuit- Pinnacle

A.   SKB Dead Swing x 5 L/R

       SKB L Cycle Swing x 5 L/R

B. SKB Dead Clean x5 R/L

     SKB L Cycle Clean x 5 L/R C. Dead Clean and Press x 5 L/R

     L. Cycle Clean and Press x 5 L/R

D. (Perform all Left then all Right)

     High Pull x 5

     Half Snatch x 5 (bring down to shoulder)

     Full Snatch x 5

E. Dead Clean + Rack Squat x 5 L/R

     L. Cycle Clean + Squat x 5 L/R

     SKB Swing + Squat x 5

F. Windmill x 5 L/R

     Figure 8 to Hold x 10

     SKB Sumo DL x 10 ea Arm

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

18 August 2015- Tuesday Workout

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup + Rope Warm Up
2x400yd, 2x 200yd runs
Bench Press- Level 5 Program- 4x5 with the goal to lift as much total weight as possible (Record total weight lifted as you will try to beat that next week- Should be over a total of 3400-5000lbs)
5lb Shoulder Prehab (YTI) x12 reps ea 

Single KB Rack Squat 3x10 ea arm
Barbell/DB Front Shoulder Raise 3x8
Walking Plank (Hands Low to High) 3x :30 sec
Kneeling KB/DB Single Arm Press 3x6 ea side
1/2 Get Up 3x5 ea side
Reverse Hyperextensions 3x20
Push up Series(Complete 1 per set)
1. Weighted Push Ups x10
2. 3 Position Hold x :15 sec Top/Middle/Bottom
3. 1/2 + Full Pushup x 10

Upper Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Monday, August 17, 2015

17 Aug 2015

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup

Row 500 m under 1:50 x 3-5; Rest 1 min OR Heavy Prowler Pushes 6x30 yds 
    Full Clean from Hang or Floor      611    67 1      76 5   Max Rest :90 sec
                                                             5        3          3       
Broad Jumps 3x1 ea set-Record furthest distance

Deadlift 64-70 8    On the minute- make sure to use your new maxes    
Lat Stretch or IR Stretch 3x2 sec ea side ea set

Pull Ups 3x 5-12
Barbell Good Morning 3x6
Double Leg Glute Bridge with Barbell 3x10
Pigeon Stretch on box or floor 2x:10 sec ea side/ea set

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Friday, August 14, 2015

14 Aug 2015- Friday Workout

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives    
Perform a Conditioning Option from Wednesday if not performed then choose 1:

Option 1: Barbell Complex- Complete the first complex for 5 Rounds with lighter weight and working on moving quickly through the exercises.  Then Complete the second complex for as many rounds as possible increasing the weight ea time through until failure
  Complex 1
BB Curls   x6
  BB Upright Row  x6
  BB High Pull Snatch from Thigh  x6
  BB Press  x6
  BB Bent Over Row  x8
  BB Front Squat Push Press  x6
  BB Good Morning  x10
  BB Quarter Squat  x10
  BB RDL   x10

Complex 2 BB Curls   x3
  BB Upright Row  x3
  BB High Pull Snatch from Thigh  x3
  BB Press  x3
  BB Bent Over Row  x3
  BB Front Squat Push Press  x3
  BB Good Morning  x5
  BB Quarter Squat  x5
  BB RDL   x5

Option 2: Perform ea Exercise with an interval of :30/:30 for 5 sets then take a 2 min break and repeat all for an interval of :20/:10 for 4 rounds  
  Straight Leg Toe Touch
  Pull Up or Inverted Row 
  Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat 
  Super Pike 
  Tuck Jumps

Option 3:

Sandbag Circuit:
10-1 Ladder

  Back Squat  
  Clean and Press
    Box Jump (no bag)
   Plank Pull (# of reps is done on ea side; ex. if doing Ladder #5, you will do 5 to the right and 5 to the left) Sandbag Keg toss 

Option 4:
Pick Your Own- BW/KB/DB Challenge Option

Thursday, August 13, 2015

13 Aug 15- Thursday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives    Dynamic Warmup + Agility Ladder or Dot Drill
14 x 60 YD Sprint or Shuttle

Clean + 2 Front Squat x 5 OR Snatch Balance x3 OR Snatch 5x2 Box Jumps x 5                       x4 Rounds Pushups x 15  
Front/Back Squat 
  61 1     76 1     82 2    
  8           3         3         
Frog Stretch 3x5sec hold ea set

DB Renegade Row 4x8 total
Barbell Snatch Grip RDL 4x6 DB Incline Bench Press 4x5 Weighted Pull Up 4x5
Core Circuit
Optional Upper Body (Bi/Tri/Shoulder)
Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

12 Aug 2015- Wednesday

Run Option  
2x800m under 3:15/ rest 3-4 min
2x400m under 1:45/ Rest 2-3 min
2x200m under :85 sec/ Rest 1:30

Long Run Option 

2x2mi Repeats; Rest 4 min between

Row Option  

5x500m Repeats; Rest 2 min between ea set
Goal Pace= 2min/250m 
Ruck Option  

2mi Test- Record time Then complete core circuit option
Body Weight Option Body Weight Ladder
Complete as many Rounds until failure; 
Round 1= 1 pull up, 2 dips, 3 situps
Round 2= 2 pull ups, 4 dips, 6 situps
Complete up to 20 Rounds

Pullups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Dips 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40
Situps  3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60

 KB Circuit- Pinnacle

A.   SKB Dead Swing x 5 L/R

       SKB L Cycle Swing x 5 L/R

B. SKB Dead Clean x5 R/L

     SKB L Cycle Clean x 5 L/R C. Dead Clean and Press x 5 L/R

     L. Cycle Clean and Press x 5 L/R

D. (Perform all Left then all Right)

     High Pull x 5

     Half Snatch x 5 (bring down to shoulder)

     Full Snatch x 5

E. Dead Clean + Rack Squat x 5 L/R

     L. Cycle Clean + Squat x 5 L/R

     SKB Swing + Squat x 5

F. Windmill x 5 L/R

     Figure 8 to Hold x 10

     SKB Sumo DL x 10 ea Arm

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

11 August 2015- Tuesday Workout

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup + Rope Warm Up
2x300 yd Shuttle, 1:00 Rest Between - Record times and send them for data tracking
Bench Press- 79 1     82 1     70 3   
                          5         4          8           

5lb Shoulder Prehab (YTI) x12 reps ea 

Single KB Rack Squat 3x10 ea arm
Barbell/DB Front Shoulder Raise 3x8
Walking Plank (Hands Low to High) 3x :30 sec
Kneeling KB/DB Single Arm Press 3x6 ea side
1/2 Get Up 3x5 ea side
Reverse Hyperextensions 3x20
Push up Series(Complete 1 per set)
1. Weighted Push Ups x10
2. 3 Position Hold x :15 sec Top/Middle/Bottom
3. 1/2 + Full Pushup x 10

Upper Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Monday, August 10, 2015

10 August 2015- Monday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup 

Row 500 m under 1:50 x 3-5; Rest 1 min OR Heavy Prowler Pushes 6x30 yds   
Full Clean from Hang or Floor      671    76 1      85 2   76 2
                                                          5       3          2        2
Broad Jumps 3x2 ea set- Try to jump further than last week. Testing this exercise next week

Deadlift 61-67 8    On the minute- make sure to use your new maxes    
Lat Stretch or IR Stretch 3x2 sec ea side ea set

Pull Ups 3x 5-12
Barbell Good Morning 3x6
Double Leg Glute Bridge with Barbell 3x10
Pigeon Stretch on box or floor 2x:10 sec ea side/ea set

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Friday, August 7, 2015

7 Aug 2015- Friday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives  
Perform a Conditioning Option from Wednesday if not performed then choose 1:

Option 1: Barbell Complex- Complete the first complex for 5 Rounds with lighter weight and working on moving quickly through the exercises.  Then Complete the second complex for as many rounds as possible increasing the weight ea time through until failure
Complex 1
BB Curls   x6
BB Upright Row  x6
BB High Pull Snatch from Thigh  x6
BB Press  x6
BB Bent Over Row  x8
BB Back Squat Push Press  x6
BB Good Morning  x10
BB Quarter Squat  x10
BB RDL   x10

Complex 2
BB Curls   x3
BB Upright Row  x3
BB High Pull Snatch from Thigh  x3
BB Press  x3
BB Bent Over Row  x3
BB Back Squat Push Press  x3
BB Good Morning  x5
BB Quarter Squat  x5
BB RDL   x5

Option 2:
Perform ea Exercise with an interval of :30/:30 for 5 sets then take a 2 min break and repeat all for an interval of :20/:10 for 4 rounds  

Straight Leg Toe Touch
Pull Up or Inverted Row 
Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat 
Super Pike 
Tuck Jumps

Option 3:
Sandbag Circuit:
10-1 Ladder

Back Squat  
Clean and Press  
Box Jump (no bag) 
Plank Pull (# of reps is done on ea side; ex. if doing Ladder #5, you will do 5 to the right and 5 to the left) Sandbag Keg toss

Option 4:
Pick Your Own- BW/KB/DB Challenge Option

Thursday, August 6, 2015

6 August 2015- Thursday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives   
Dynamic Warmup + Agility Ladder or Dot Drill
12 x 60 YD Sprint or Shuttle

Clean + 2 Front Squat x 5 OR Snatch Balance x3 OR Snatch 5x2
Box Jumps x 5                       x4 Rounds
Pushups x 15  

Front/Back Squat
55 1     70 1     76 3    79 1    67 1
  8         6         6          4       AMRAP
Frog Stretch 3x5sec hold ea set

DB Renegade Row 4x8 total

Barbell Snatch Grip RDL 4x6
DB Incline Bench Press 4x5
Weighted Pull Up 4x5

Core Circuit

Optional Upper Body (Bi/Tri/Shoulder)

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

5 August 2015- Wednesday

Run Option  
4x800m under 3:15/Rest 3-4 min
20x 60 yd shuttle under :16 sec/ Rest :40 sec

Long Run Option 
3 mi under 25 min
Row Option  
15x 1min on/1 min off- Aim for 250m per round  

Ruck Option  
4x .5 mile intervals under 6 min/ Rest 2-3 min

Body Weight Option 30 min Continuous Running Clock, Perform AMRAP  
10 BW Squats      
5 Lunge Ea Leg      
10 Split Jump      
5 Squat Jumps      
5 Pull Ups      
10 Pushups      
15 KB Swings (16kg)    
:60 sec lateral Shuffle  
Stop Clock at minutes 8/18/28 and do: 3 Rounds of 2 Burpees + 1- 30 yd Sprint  

 KB Circuit- Pinnacle
A.   SKB Dead Swing x 5 L/R
       SKB L Cycle Swing x 5 L/R
B. SKB Dead Clean x5 R/L
     SKB L Cycle Clean x 5 L/R C. Dead Clean and Press x 5 L/R
     L. Cycle Clean and Press x 5 L/R
D. (Perform all Left then all Right)
     High Pull x 5
     Half Snatch x 5 (bring down to shoulder)
     Full Snatch x 5
E. Dead Clean + Rack Squat x 5 L/R
     L. Cycle Clean + Squat x 5 L/R
     SKB Swing + Squat x 5
F. Windmill x 5 L/R
     Figure 8 to Hold x 10
     SKB Sumo DL x 10 ea Arm