Monday, September 21, 2015

21 Sept 2015-Monday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives    
Dynamic Warmup
Optional Conditioning: 8x30 yd Prowler Pushes on the Minute

PAP: Mini Band Walks x 15 yds ea (Fwd/Bwd in squat, Fwd/Bwd Straight leg, Lateral in squat, Lateral straight legs)  

Warm Up  Clean Pull 
53 3

 Cleans    82 1   
85 4 *                  
                   4      3                              
 Repeat Box Jumps 4x4

* denotes cluster set.  You will rest :20-:30 sec between reps on  each set.  Ex. Do one rep rest :20, do the 2nd, rest :20, do the 3rd to finish the set of 3

Deadlift or Front Squat   84 7       :90 sec between ea
Supported Single Leg Lowering 4x8 ea side

DB/KB Lunge 3x8 ea 
Double KB RDL 3x8   
Weighted Pull Up 3x5 
Single Leg Glute Bridge 3x8 ea

  Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

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