Wednesday, September 2, 2015

2 Sept 2015- Wednesday

Run Option  
6x400m under 1:30/Rest 2-3 min
16x 60 yd shuttle under :16 sec/ Rest :40 sec

Long Run Option 

3 mi under 25 min

Row Option  

1x 16min at a very light pace   Rest 3min
1x 16min at a moderatet pace

Body Weight Option 30 min Continuous Running Clock, Perform AMRAP   10 BW Squats       5 Lunge Ea Leg       10 Split Jump       5 Squat Jumps       5 Pull Ups       10 Pushups       15 KB Swings (16kg)     :60 sec lateral Shuffle   Stop Clock at minutes 8/18/28 and do: 3 Rounds of 2 Burpees + 1- 30 yd Sprint  

KB Circuit-The Dean's List

  4-5 Rounds of....
A.   KB Dead Swing x 10+5+5   

                         rest :20sec

B. Double KB Clean  x8
                         rest :20sec

C. Double KB Squat x10

                         rest :20sec

D. Double KB Press x10
                         rest :20sec
E. Prone Plank x :45sec
                         rest :20sec
F. Farmers Walk (heavy) 30yards
                         rest :60sec

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