Tuesday, September 8, 2015

8 Sept 2015- Tuesday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives    Dynamic Warmup
Row 200 m  x 3-5; Rest 1 min OR Heavy Prowler Pushes 10x15 yds 

Shoulder Internal and External Rotation(DB, Plate, or cable.....light weight) Side-lying Adduction and Abduction, Side-Lying Internal Hip Rotation 3x12 each

Clean Pull  from Dead Hang or Floor      553
Full Clean from Hang or Floor      611    79 1      76 1        82 4  
                                                             5       4          3      3     
Repeat Box Jumps 3x3 ea set- Jump up to a low box and then jump again for max height.


Deadlift or Front Squat    55 1     641      69 1      73 4    
                                            5         5          4          5
Weighted Pull Ups 4x5

Bench Press                     55 1     641      69 1      73 4    
                                              5         5          4          5
1 Arm KB or DB Rows  4x6each
Single Leg Glute Bridge 3x8ea
DB or KB 3 way raises (Front, Side, Bent Over) 3x10ea
Piriformis or glute stretch  3x 20-30sec each side

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