Wednesday, February 17, 2016

17 Feb 2016-Wednesday (Anaerobic Conditioning)

Foam Roll& Correctives
Dynamic Warm Up

Sprint Option  2-5 Rounds of......
1x800m < 3:20 rest5-6min, 2x400m < :90 rest 3x200m < :45 rest 1.5-2min, 3x100m < :20 rest :60sec

Rope Option Slams, Wave. Alt Wave, Weave, Circles Out, Circles In, Criss Cross, Serpent one set of each 1st round :30sec on/ :30sec rest on each x1,  2nd round :20sec on/ :20sec rest on each x1, 3rd round :20sec on/ :40sec rest on each x1

Interval Sprint  22-26 max effort sprints of :20-:40sec Rest :60-:90sec between each rep

Row Option
1x500m row  moderate even pace, work to rest ratio 1:1  EX:  If it takes 5 min to complete the 500m rest 5 min
2-5 Rounds of.....
1x1000m row rest 1:1, 2x500m row rest 2:1, 3x250m row rest 2.5:1, 4x100m row rest 3:1

Body Weight Option 2-5 Rounds Continuous Each exercise is :30sec work :15sec rest
1. Wall Squats     2. Squat Jumps    3.Push Ups    4. Superman Iso Hold    5. Split Squat Jumps 
6. Bicycle Crunches  7. Lateral Bounds   8. Burpee to Pull Up    9.Jumprope   
10. Prone Shoulder Taps  11. Giant Flutter Kicks   12. Sit Ups  13. 5/10/15 yd shuttle  14.Rest

Sandbag Circuit.....3-5 Rounds
1)5xGet ups Right  2)5xGet ups Left   3)30 Yard Sprint  4)5xClean+Squat   5)5xPush Press   6)30 Yard Sprint  7)Keg Toss x 30yards 8)Backward Plank Pulls x10 Yards Right 9)Backward Plank Pulls x10 Yards Left  10)30 Yard Sprint 

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