Wednesday, February 24, 2016

24 Feb 2016-Wednesday (Total body Power)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup

Optional Conditioning Multistarts 5yards x12
PAP: KB Swings, Plate Int/Ext Rotations, elbow Push Ups, BW Squats 3x10ea

Power Clean   70 1   73 1      76 1   79 1   821              
                        3         3        3       3        3

Broad Jumps 4x3
Power Squat(front or back) 49   55 warm up       671         70 5  
                                                                 8        6                           5        ME(3)   
Barbell Push Press  5xME(4)
Dynamic Band Pulldowns 5x8
Box Jumps 5x2

T1&T2 are power exercises.  This means the weights will be moderate and we need to focus on bar speed!  If you can, use a tendo unit.  The faster you move a weight the more power you will produce.  while doing this it is very important to maintain great technique.

T3 2-3 Rounds
SKB Offset RFE Squat x5e
1 Arm DB Incline Bench x8ea
TRX 1 Arm Rows x8ea
Striaght Leg Bridge x8
AUX 2-3 Rounds
Bent Over Raise x12
Side Raise x12
Front raisex12

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