Friday, February 19, 2016

19 Feb 2016-Friday (Conditioning)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives Dynamic Warmup

Option 1:Long Run or Swim  5 mile run < 40min  or 1500m swim <40min

Option 2:  Long Row  or bike  7,500m row for time Moderate pace or 40+min bike for distance

Option 3: 3 mile ruck < 45min

Option 4: Cardio Round Robin (bike, row, force treadmill, versaclimber, force treadmill) 10-20min on 2-4 implements

Finishing Challenge
2-5 Rounds
1)5xSandbag Get ups Right  2)5xSandbag Get ups Left   3)30 Sandbag Yard Sprint  4)5x MB Burpee+Slam   5)5x MB Push Press   6)30 Yard Sprint  7)MB Side Rt Toss x 30yards 8)MB Side Lt Toss x 30yards 9)5x Stone Loads  10)60 Yard Sprint Shuttle

Rest After finishing each round, Record the time of your fastest round

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