Friday, July 28, 2017

10 Aug 2017-3RD MRB Workout Thursday

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep

2 Rounds
Shin Box Windshield Wipers x 8ea
Shin Box Hip Ext x8ea

Straight Leg Hurdle Skips x20
Bent Knee Hurdle Skips x20
Hurdle Over Unders x 8 passes 

Speed Ladder Drill Choose 6-10 drill x 2 reps each
Diamond drill x2 each way
Illinois Agility x 2 each way

Track Work
Go- Stop-Go x4
Go- Buzz- Go x4

Run + rotate + Hammer  2 sets x 6 Reps
Max effort, full rest (walk back and take your time so each rep can be FAST!)

Workout can be reasonably simulated indoors using Treadmill, Bike, Versa Climber, Rower, ect

110's  2 sets x 10 Reps
Goal Time :15sec  Rest Time :45sec

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