Wednesday, July 26, 2017


To the Marines that use this blog first off THANK YOU!  Not just for using this Blog but for your service to your fellow Marines and the Citizens of the United States of American who you lay your lives on the line to protect.  We have made a few tweaks to the Blog, we are going to separate the blog post into different pages moving forward.  If your are looking for the 2nd MRB workouts they will now be posted in the 2nd MRB Daily workouts tab, you can find it at the top of the page or just to the right.  Simply click the tab at the top or the link on the right and it will take you to the workouts.   We have added the workouts from the last 3 months to this page. If your are looking for the 3rd MRB workouts they will now be posted in the 3rd MRB Daily workouts tab, you can find it at the top of the page or just to the right.  Simply click the tab at the top or the link on the right and it will take you to the workouts.  Again thank your for all your hard work and sacrifice, the members of the PERRES staff truly appreciate and honor our ability to serve you!

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