Thursday, July 30, 2015

30 July 2015- Thursday Workout

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives 
Dynamic Warmup + Agility Ladder or Dot Drill
Med Ball Slam x 6  
Long Jump or Single Leg bound x 5                        x 3 Rounds 

Front/Back Squat 6x3 Reps on the minute, 76-85%
Upper Back or Lat Stretch x3x2sec ea side ea set

Heavy Barbell Row 6x5
Hanging Knee Raise 3x15

KB Goblet Squat or DBL KB Rack Squat 3x5  
 KB Single Arm Clean and Press 3x1-3 ladder; one set= 1 rep ea arm, then 2 reps ea arm, then 3 reps ea arm  
Single KB Farmers Walk- Heavy x60 yds ea arm  

Optional Core Circuit
Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

29 July 2015- Wednesday Workout

Dynamic Warmup + Hip Mobility Drills Pick a run option and/or choose a circuit of your choice

Run Option  
8x200 m sprint under :40 sec, rest 1:00  
7x300yd sprint under :60 sec, Rest 1:00
Long Run Option 
5 mile Run
Row Option  
5000m Row
Ruck Option  
2x1 mile Repeats under 13 min/mile

Body Weight Option 30 min Continuous Running Clock, Perform AMRAP  
10 BW Squats    
5 Lunge Ea Leg    
10 Split Jump    
5 Squat Jumps    
5 Pull Ups    
10 Pushups    
15 KB Swings (16kg)  
:60 sec lateral Shuffle
Stop Clock at minutes 8/18/28 and do: 3 Rounds of 2 Burpees + 1- 30 yd Sprint
KB Circuit- Pinnacle
A.   SKB Dead Swing x 5 L/R
       SKB L Cycle Swing x 5 L/R
B. SKB Dead Clean x5 R/L
     SKB L Cycle Clean x 5 L/R C. Dead Clean and Press x 5 L/R
     L. Cycle Clean and Press x 5 L/R
D. (Perform all Left then all Right)
     High Pull x 5
     Half Snatch x 5 (bring down to shoulder)
     Full Snatch x 5
E. Dead Clean + Rack Squat x 5 L/R
     L. Cycle Clean + Squat x 5 L/R
     SKB Swing + Squat x 5
F. Windmill x 5 L/R
     Figure 8 to Hold x 10
     SKB Sumo DL x 10 ea Arm

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

28 July 2015- Tuesday Workout

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup

6x200 yd sprint/6x.25 mile bike sprint/ 6x200m Row sprint  

Bench Press- 70 1     79 2     85 3    88-91 2
                          5         5          2           2   

Band Press Out 4x5 ea side or Red Band Rows 4x25


Plyo Push Up 3x8
1/2 Get Up 3x3 ea side
Push Up with Leg off Ground 3x6 ea side

Pulling Circuit x 2 Rounds (Heavy)
Underhand Grip Bar Row x 12  
Chin up/Pull up x 5-8    
Heavy Single Arm Row x 12  
Chest Supported Row x 15    
Curls x 12  
After completion of the 2 rounds, max Rope Hang(if no rope, bar hang for :60 sec)

Upper Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Monday, July 27, 2015

27 July 2015- Monday Workout

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup + 30yd Prowler Pushes x 14

Warm up: Hang Clean + Front Squat Combo 2x3 reps

Full Clean from Hang or Floor 611    67 1      79 3    85 3
                                                      5       5          2       1    
Hurdle Jumps or Resisted Jumps 3x5

Deadlift 6x3 on the minute 76-85%
Lat Stretch 3x2 sec ea side ea set

Lower Body Circuit x 3 (Weight vest)
Low Lunge Hold x :20 sec ea leg

BW Squat
Weighted Walking Lunge or Step Ups x 20 total (holding KB/DB)
Glute/Ham Raise x 10
Lateral Low Band Walks x 15yds ea direction(if no Band, perform Side Plank Leg Lifts x 8 ea side)

Optional Core Circuit

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Friday, July 24, 2015

24 July 2015- Friday Workout

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives  

Option 1: Weighted Circuit- 10x :20 sec on/:20 sec off ea exercise; Rest 2 min between exercises
Walking Lunge
Reverse Crunch
Tuck Jump

Option 2:
Perform ea Exercise with an interval of :30/:30 for 5 sets then take a 2 min break and repeat all for an interval of :20/:10 for 4 rounds Squat Pushups Straight Leg Toe TouchPull Up or Inverted Row Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat Super Pike Tuck Jumps

Option 3:
Sandbag Circuit:
10-1 Ladder
Back Squat Clean and Press Box Jump (no bag) Plank Pull (# of reps is done on ea side; ex. if doing Ladder #5, you will do 5 to the right and 5 to the left) Sandbag Keg toss

Option 4:
Pick Your Own- BW/KB/DB Challenge Option

Thursday, July 23, 2015

23 July 2015- Thursday Workout

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives 
Dynamic Warmup + Agility Ladder or Dot Drill

Med Ball Slam x 6
Long Jump or Single Leg bound x 5                        x 3 Rounds 

Front/Back Squat 8x3 Reps on the minute, 70-79%

Upper Back or Lat Stretch x3x2sec ea side ea set

Heavy Barbell Row 6x5

KB Goblet Squat or DBL KB Rack Squat 3x5
KB Single Arm Clean and Press 3x1-3 ladder; one set= 1 rep ea arm, then 2 reps ea arm, then 3 reps ea arm
Single KB Farmers Walk- Heavy x60 yds

Optional Core Circuit

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

22 July 2015- Wednesday Workout

Dynamic Warmup + Hip Mobility Drills Pick a run option and/or choose a circuit of your choice

Run Option 6x200 m sprint under :40 sec, rest 1:00 OR 6x300yd sprint under :60 sec, Rest 1:00

Long Run Option 2x2mi Repeat, Rest 5 min between

Row Option
3x12 min Rows, Rest 3 min Between; Avg SPM=26

Ruck Option 2x1.5 mile Repeats, Rest 5 min between; 40-50lb Ruck

Body Weight Option 30 min Continuous Running Clock, Perform AMRAP  
10 BW Squats  
5 Lunge Ea Leg  
10 Split Jump  
5 Squat Jumps  
5 Pull Ups  
10 Pushups  
15 KB Swings (16kg)  
:60 sec lateral Shuffle
Stop Clock at minutes 8/18/28 and do: 3 Rounds of 2 Burpees + 1- 30 yd Sprint
KB Circuit- Hellbound  
1. SKB Dead Clean x:30sec R/L
2. SKB Rack Squat x:30sec R/L  
3. Forward Lunge x:30sec R/L  
4. SKB L. Cycle High Pull x:30sec R/L  
5. SKB L. Cycle Snatch x:30sec R/L  
6. Figure 8 to Hold x:60 sec  
7. Wave Squat x:60 sec  
8. Pry Squat x:60 sec  
9. SKB Single Arm Swing x:30 sec R/L  
10. SKB Press x:30sec R/L
Performed as a Vertical Superset- Complete the first exercise for the time listed and then move to the next one. Rest should be :30-:60 sec between sets

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

21 July 2015- Tuesday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives

Dynamic Warmup

6x200 yd sprint/6x.25 mile bike sprint/ 6x200m Row sprint

Bench Press- 55        64        76 1    85 3
                         10         5          5         2   
Band Press Out 4x5 ea side or Red Band Rows 4x25

Plyo Push Up 3x8
1/2 Get Up 3x3 ea side
Push Up with Leg off Ground 3x6 ea side

Pulling Circuit x 2 Rounds (Heavy)

Underhand Grip Bar Row x 12
Chin up/Pull up x 5-8  
Heavy Single Arm Row x 12  
Chest Supported Row x 15  
Curls x 12  
After completion of the 2 rounds, max Rope Hang(if no rope, bar hang for :60 sec)

Upper Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Monday, July 20, 2015

20 July 2015- Monday

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives

Dynamic Warmup + 30yd Prowler Pushes x 14

Warm up: Hang Clean + Front Squat Combo 2x3 reps

Full Clean from Hang or Floor 551        64 1        76 3    82 2
                                                  5        5          2       2    
Hurdle Jumps or Resisted Jumps 3x5

Deadlift 8x3 on the minute 70-79%
Lat Stretch 3x2 sec ea side ea set

Lower Body Circuit x 3 (Weight vest)
Low Lunge Hold x :20 sec ea leg

BW Squat
Weighted Walking Lunge or Step Ups x 20 total (holding KB/DB)
Glute/Ham Raise x 10
Banded Good Mornings x 12

Optional Core Circuit

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Friday, July 17, 2015

17 July 2015- Friday Workout

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Option 1:
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
10 Goblet Squats
10 Box Jumps at 24"
10 Push ups
10 Sit Ups
:20 sec Spiderman Lunge Hold Ea Leg
:20 sec Bar Hang

Weighted Vest(double the reps if no weight vest)- Repeat 4-6x with little to no rest in between sets

Lunge Hold- :30 sec ea side
Pushups x 6
Squats x10
Pullups x 4
Run 200m
Side Plank x :30 sec ea side

Option 2:

Perform ea Exercise with an interval of :30/:30 for 5 sets then take a 2 min break and repeat all for an interval of :20/:10 for 4 rounds
Straight Leg Toe TouchPull Up or Inverted Row
Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Super Pike
Tuck Jumps

Option 3:
Sandbag Circuit:
10-1 Ladder

Back Squat
Clean and Press
Box Jump (no bag)
Lateral Plank Pull (# of reps is done on ea side; ex. if doing Ladder #5, you will do 5 to the right and 5 to the left)
Sandbag Keg toss

Option 4:
Pick Your Own- BW/KB/DB Challenge Option

Thursday, July 16, 2015

16 July 2015 Thursday Workout

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives 
Dynamic Warmup + Agility Ladder or Dot Drill

Med Ball Slam x 6
Long Jump or Single Leg bound x 5                        x 3 Rounds 

Front/Back Squat 8x3 Reps on the minute, 61-67% (Fast)

Upper Back or Lat Stretch x3x2sec ea side ea set

Heavy Barbell Row 5x5

KB Goblet Squat or DBL KB Rack Squat 3x5
KB Single Arm Clean and Press 3x1-3 ladder; one set= 1 rep ea arm, then 2 reps ea arm, then 3 reps ea arm
Single KB Farmers Walk- Heavy x60 yds

Optional Core Circuit

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

15 July 2015- Wednesday Workout

Dynamic Warmup + Hip Mobility Drills Pick a run option and/or choose a circuit of your choice

Run Option
10x200 m sprint under :40 sec, rest 1:30
6x300yd sprint under :60 sec, Rest 1:30

Long Run Option
2x1 mile Repeats, rest up to 5 min (Try to not be more than :30 sec apart between reps)
2x800 meter Repeat under 3:30, rest up to 5 min

Row Option
15x 250m Row, Rest :45 Sec between ea set

Ruck Option
2x1.5 mile Repeats, Rest 5 min between; 40-50lb Ruck

Body Weight Option
30 min Continuous Running Clock, Perform AMRAP
10 BW Squats
5 Lunge Ea Leg
10 Split Jump
5 Squat Jumps
5 Pull Ups
10 Pushups
15 KB Swings (16kg)
:60 sec lateral Shuffle
Stop Clock at minutes 8/18/28 and do: 3 Rounds of 2 Burpees + 1- 30 yd Sprint

KB Circuit- Hellbound
1. SKB Dead Clean x:30sec R/L
2. SKB Rack Squat x:30sec R/L
3. Forward Lunge x:30sec R/L
4. SKB L. Cycle High Pull x:30sec R/L
5. SKB L. Cycle Snatch x:30sec R/L
6. Figure 8 to Hold x:60 sec
7. Wave Squat x:60 sec
8. Pry Squat x:60 sec
9. SKB Single Arm Swing x:30 sec R/L
10. SKB Press x:30sec R/L

Performed as a Vertical Superset- Complete the first exercise for the time listed and then move to the next one. Rest should be :30-:60 sec between sets

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

14 July 2015- Tuesday Workout

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup

6x200 yd sprint/6x.25 mile bike sprint/ 6x200m Row sprint

Bench Press- Warm up as needed
8x3 reps on the minute 70-76%Band Press Out 4x5 ea side or Red Band Rows 4x25

Plyo Push Up 3x8
1/2 Get Up 3x3 ea side
Staggered Hand Pushup 3x6 ea

Pulling Circuit x 2 Rounds (Heavy)
Underhand Grip Bar Row x 12
Chin up/Pull up x 5-8
Heavy Single Arm Row x 12
Chest Supported Row x 15
Curls x 12
After completion of the 2 rounds, max Rope Hang(if no rope, bar hang for :60 sec)

Upper Body Stretch/Foam Roll

Monday, July 13, 2015

13 July 2015

13 July 2015- Monday 
Foam Roll/TP/CorrectiveDynamic Warmup + 30yd Prowler Pushes x 14

Warm up: Hang Clean + Front Squat Combo 2x3 reps

Full Clean from Hang or Floor 3x2, 3x1 76-97%
Hurdle Jumps or Resisted Jumps 3x5

Deadlift 8x3 on the minute 61-67% (fast)

Lat Stretch 3x2 sec ea side ea set

Lower Body Circuit x 3 (Weight vest optional)
Low Lunge Hold x :20 sec ea leg

BW Squat
Weighted Walking Lunge or Step Ups x 20 total (holding KB/DB)
Glute/Ham Raise x 10
Banded Good Mornings x 12

Optional Core Circuit

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll