Wednesday, July 29, 2015

29 July 2015- Wednesday Workout

Dynamic Warmup + Hip Mobility Drills Pick a run option and/or choose a circuit of your choice

Run Option  
8x200 m sprint under :40 sec, rest 1:00  
7x300yd sprint under :60 sec, Rest 1:00
Long Run Option 
5 mile Run
Row Option  
5000m Row
Ruck Option  
2x1 mile Repeats under 13 min/mile

Body Weight Option 30 min Continuous Running Clock, Perform AMRAP  
10 BW Squats    
5 Lunge Ea Leg    
10 Split Jump    
5 Squat Jumps    
5 Pull Ups    
10 Pushups    
15 KB Swings (16kg)  
:60 sec lateral Shuffle
Stop Clock at minutes 8/18/28 and do: 3 Rounds of 2 Burpees + 1- 30 yd Sprint
KB Circuit- Pinnacle
A.   SKB Dead Swing x 5 L/R
       SKB L Cycle Swing x 5 L/R
B. SKB Dead Clean x5 R/L
     SKB L Cycle Clean x 5 L/R C. Dead Clean and Press x 5 L/R
     L. Cycle Clean and Press x 5 L/R
D. (Perform all Left then all Right)
     High Pull x 5
     Half Snatch x 5 (bring down to shoulder)
     Full Snatch x 5
E. Dead Clean + Rack Squat x 5 L/R
     L. Cycle Clean + Squat x 5 L/R
     SKB Swing + Squat x 5
F. Windmill x 5 L/R
     Figure 8 to Hold x 10
     SKB Sumo DL x 10 ea Arm

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