Thursday, July 23, 2015

23 July 2015- Thursday Workout

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives 
Dynamic Warmup + Agility Ladder or Dot Drill

Med Ball Slam x 6
Long Jump or Single Leg bound x 5                        x 3 Rounds 

Front/Back Squat 8x3 Reps on the minute, 70-79%

Upper Back or Lat Stretch x3x2sec ea side ea set

Heavy Barbell Row 6x5

KB Goblet Squat or DBL KB Rack Squat 3x5
KB Single Arm Clean and Press 3x1-3 ladder; one set= 1 rep ea arm, then 2 reps ea arm, then 3 reps ea arm
Single KB Farmers Walk- Heavy x60 yds

Optional Core Circuit

Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

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