Tuesday, July 14, 2015

14 July 2015- Tuesday Workout

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup

6x200 yd sprint/6x.25 mile bike sprint/ 6x200m Row sprint

Bench Press- Warm up as needed
8x3 reps on the minute 70-76%Band Press Out 4x5 ea side or Red Band Rows 4x25

Plyo Push Up 3x8
1/2 Get Up 3x3 ea side
Staggered Hand Pushup 3x6 ea

Pulling Circuit x 2 Rounds (Heavy)
Underhand Grip Bar Row x 12
Chin up/Pull up x 5-8
Heavy Single Arm Row x 12
Chest Supported Row x 15
Curls x 12
After completion of the 2 rounds, max Rope Hang(if no rope, bar hang for :60 sec)

Upper Body Stretch/Foam Roll

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