Friday, July 10, 2015

10 July 2015 Friday Workout

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Option 1:
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
10 Goblet Squats
10 Box Jumps at 24"
10 Push ups
10 Sit Ups
:20 sec Spiderman Lunge Hold Ea Leg
:20 sec Bar Hang

Weighted Vest(double the reps if no weight vest)- Repeat 4-6x with little to no rest in between sets

Lunge Hold- :30 sec ea side
Pushups x 6
Squats x10
Pullups x 4
Run 200m
Side Plank x :30 sec ea side

Option 2:

Perform ea Exercise with an interval of :30/:30 for 5 sets then take a 2 min break and repeat all for an interval of :20/:10 for 4 rounds
Straight Leg Toe TouchPull Up or Inverted Row
Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Super Pike
Tuck Jumps

Option 3:
Sandbag Circuit:
10-1 Ladder

Back Squat
Clean and Press
Box Jump (no bag)
1/2 get up
Sandbag Keg toss

Option 4:
Pick Your Own- BW/KB/DB Challenge Option

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