Sunday, February 10, 2019

11 Feb 2019-Monday (Total Body Max Strength)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup
Optional Conditioning 30yd prowler push x6 on the min
PAP: Light KB Swings 3x10, Inch Worm Push Up 3x5, Leg Swings 3x15ea
Warm up Clean Pulls 59 1   67 1    Cleans   67 1     76 1    82 1    85 1  88 1 
                                 5             4                    3           3       2         2      2              

Front/Back Squat
Warm Up 491    58 1                67 1       761      821      881     941     94-971
                            8     6                      5        2-3     1-2      1       1        ME
Pigeon or brettzle stretch 4x :20-:30sec each side

DB Incline Bench 5x5
Weighted Chin Ups 5x3

Barbell Glute Bridge 3x5
Alt DB Raises 3x10ea
Prone Cobras 3x10
Prone Plank with Limb Raise 3x:45-:60

Optional Upper Body (Bi/Tri/Shoulder)
Lower Body Stretch/Foam Roll

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