Monday, February 18, 2019

21 Feb 2019-Thursday (Total Body SE)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup
Optional Conditioning 30yd prowler push x6 on the min

PAP: Light KB Swings 3x10, Inch Worm Push Up 3x5, Leg Swings 3x15ea

T1a(combo)One Clean Pull, One Power Clean, One Hang Clean then repeat.
Clean Pull+ Hang Clean + Power Clean  611     671    67-701     70-731           max rest 1:20sec btw sets
                                                                 5ea    5ea     5ea           5ea  

Front/Back Squat  491   581    Warm Ups  641      70-734-6    Every :90sec on working set
                              8       6                  6         5
Supine Glute Bridge with Knee hug 4x8ea

T2 3 Rounds
DB Incline Bench 4x5       max rest :60-75sec between rounds
1 arm DB Rows 4x5ea

MB Slam w/ Burpee 3x8
DB/KB Single Leg RDL's  3x5ea   max rest :60-75sec between rounds
SKB farmers Walk 3x 40 yards each
Db curl and press 3x8

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