Sunday, February 24, 2019

Feb 28 2019-3RD MRB Workout Thursday

Foam Roll & Correctives

Performance Prep

Shin Box – Windshield Wiper x 10 each

-        Hip Extension x 10 each

Hurdles - Straight Leg x 20     

              Bent Leg x 20

              Over/Under 8 Trips     

Ladders - 2 Feet in each / 1 Foot in each / Rt. Foot Hop / Left Foot Hop / Shuffle / Over 3 - Back 1

Come To Balance  Go - Hold - Go x4

                  Go - Buzz - Go x4

Multi Starts x 7      Rt. Knee / Left Knee / Both Knees / Prone / Open Rt. / Open Left / Seated

Chasing 110's x3ea(6 total)
lead runner randomly accelerates and decelerates while trail runner trys to stay on his hip.

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