Monday, February 18, 2019

22 Feb 2019-Friday (Friday Finisher Circuit or Anaerobic Circuit Training)

Friday Finisher Circuit
1.Sled Push 30 yards x5         2.Sit Ups x50       3.BW Step Ups(18inch box) x 100 (50 each)
4.Pull Ups x 50 Do multiple sets if necessary             5.Airdyne Bike 1 Mile        
6.Push Ups x 100 Do multiple sets if necessary
7.Curve Ruck (25 lb Vest) .38 Miles or .5mile Ruck Run (25 lb Vest)    
8. Rope Climb x5 reps  Do multiple sets if necessary                9.Sit Ups x50             10.2000m Row
Done for time, rest as necessary best time wins

Strongman Circuit 1.....3-5 Rounds
1.5xLog Bar Clean and Press  2.30ydsxHeavy SKB Farmers Walk Right 3.30ydsxHeavy SKB Farmers Walk Left 4.Sit Ups x40 5. Prone Upper back ext x 20 6. 30yds x MB Keg Toss 7. 30 yds x Heavy Sled Push 8. Sit Ups x25 9. Prone Lower back ext x 20 10. 60 yd shuttle 

Rest 2:00-3:00min between rounds and repeat for desired number of rounds

Strongman Circuit 2.....3-5 Rounds
1.5xStone Lap Row  2.5xStone Lap+Load  3.5xStone Lap+Load+Place 4.Sit Ups x40 5. Prone Upper back ext x 20 6. 30ydsxHeavy DKB Farmers Walk 7.30 yds x Heavy Sled Push 8. Sit Ups x25 9. Prone Lower back ext x 20 10.30 yds x Heavy Sled Push 

Rest 2:00-3:00min between rounds and repeat for desired number of rounds

Body Weight Option 4-5 Rounds Continuous Each exercise is :15sec work :45sec rest
1. BW Squats        2. Squat Jumps      3. Shoulder Taps    4. Iron Cross 
5. Scorpions (lying on stomach)  6. BW Lunges   7. Split Squat Jumps 
8. Prone Cobras   9. Bicycle Crunches  10. 60 yd shuttle  11.Rest

Fartlek Option 30 min Continuous
A. Walk x :45sec
B.  Jog x :30sec
C.  Sprint x :15
repeat for 30 min

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