Sunday, February 10, 2019

14 Feb 2019-Thursday (Upper Body SE)

Foam Roll/TP/Correctives
Dynamic Warmup
8x60 yd Shuttle (5, 10, 15 ) Goal Time < ::20sec rest :40
PAP(Pre Activity Prep) Band Series:Horizontal Pull Aparts,Protraction, Retraction 3x12ea

T1 Warm up Bench: 49 1     58 1   
                                                  8        8      

Bench Press-    70 1***       76-79 6 ***                   ***  Denotes Start sets every :80 sec    
                                  6               4
DB or KB Single Arm Row 5x5  each arm.  Complete these with your warm up sets and your 1st working set.

T2 4 Rounds

Standing DB or KB Shoulder Press 4x6
Supine Rows 4x8 (Bar, TX or Rope)     Max rest between Rounds :60-:90 sec

TRX I's and T's 3x8 ea
1/2 Kneeling Lifts & Chops 3x8 ea
3 x Push up Series(Complete 1,2, then 3 in order per set)    Max rest between Rounds :60-:90 sec
   1. Clapping x5
   2. Feet Elevated x 12
   3. Staggered x 8ea

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