Saturday, September 30, 2017

30 Sep 2017-Saturday (Saturday Slaughter Challenge)

Foam Roll & Correctives
Performance Prep

Challenge 1A
Fat Grip Deadlift (BW) x50

Log Bar or Sandbag Clean and Press x30

Sled Push (75% of BW) x 500 yards

Bench Press (75% of BW) x50

Pull Ups x50 (strict) of 100(kipping)

Sandbag Plank Pulls x250 yards

Done for time in any rep or set scheme you would like. Ex 5 Deadlifts, 3 clean and presses, 50 yds of sled, 5 bench presses, 5 pull ups (strict), and 25 yds of plank pulls x 10 sets.  Or any other combination to reach the desired total reps.


Challenge 1B

1000M row


Record your time after finishing 1B

Best Time....Parente M. 56:35

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