Friday, September 8, 2017

9 Sep 2017-3RD MRB Workout Saturday Circuit

Foam Roll & Correctives

Performance Prep

1a. Power Clean + Front Squat x5,4,3,2,1 (increase weight each set, heavy single on last)

1b. Broad Jumps (Stick the Landing) x3

1c. (heavy) DKB Farmers Walks x 25yds, 50, 75, 100, 150

1d. Sandbag Get Ups x5 each side

1e. High Sled Push x25 + Low Sled Push x 25 (@ 40% of BW)

1f.Ab Wheel Plank Walk x15 yds Fwd + 15 yds Bkw (use large ab wheel on feet)

5 Rounds

1???.Versa Climber 987x1
Complete in as many sets as you wish at any point during the workout.


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